Obese Beginner: Body recomp *before* focused fat loss?

40DayFit Posts: 246 Member
I've been exploring the forums for discussions on this topic; forgive me if it's been done before--and help me find that thread!

I'd like some informed opinions on approaches to building muscle while obese.

Please know that I'm not asking about gaining muscle while at a calorie deficit. Rather, I'm curious about the possibility of focusing first on building muscle (especially while taking advantage of newbie gains for the overweight and untrained), then concentrating on fat loss while retaining the muscle gained.

I'm obese, and willing to delay concentrated fatloss if hard work toward hypertrophy and strength can truly result in sustained muscle mass once I switch to a cutting process. Is it 1) possible and 2) adviseable to build muscle while obese and NOT eat at deficit at the same time? More specifically, can eating at maintenance while obese and starting with compound lifts result in muscle mass and strength without adding even more bodyfat? If so, how--and is it worth it?

More about me:

I'm female, 40, 5'9, and obese at 260 lbs. Never been an athlete; solid frame. I track every single thing I eat, using food scale, measuring spoons & cups, etc. (open diary). Only recently have I been going to the gym (this week, actually), where my aim is hypertrophy with strength as a close secondary goal. I am not afraid of building muscle--that's the aesthetic I want, after bodyfat is in a more appropriate range. At this point, a muscular 175-180 seems desireable. I've been at something of a weight loss stagnation for the past 3-4 weeks, though had some downward movement this week. Could be sodium, could be PCOS muddling the process, could be I'm eating even more than I think, though I really don't think so with my tracking.

I started this week with Jamie Eason's 12-Week LiveFit Trainer. I've come to realize it's a split program and as such may not afford me the greatest gains as a novice lifter. It does concentrate on hypertrophy for the first month--higher reps, no cardio. It ends with a cutting process in the third month.

I welcome some discussion.


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Take advantage of both of the things you have going for you: newbie gains and obese gains. WOO HOO!!!!
    Lift heavy.
    Eat slightly below maintenance (-250 cals to -500 cals).
    Enjoy progress.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Being obese, you've actually built up quite a bit of muscle as would be necessary to move yourself around. You would also be a great candidate for newb gains at a calorie deficit while lifting.

    Personally, I'd start cutting and lifting...even if newb gains are minimal, you likely have built up a lot more muscle than you think and as you shed the fat all of that lean mass will start showing up down the road and you'll look fab.
  • MellMo1971
    MellMo1971 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm similar in age, weight and height as you. I've been focusing mostly on weight training for the past 10 months, with cardio mixed in if I have the energy (after weight training program). My progress has been slow, but steady. I don't weigh on the scale any more, just track my progress with photos and how my clothes fit. I've lost about two clothes sizes in tops and bottoms. I feel great, have tons of energy, and eat plenty of calories to fuel my workouts. I don't think I'd approach this life change any other way now. I have lost and regained plenty of weight over the years with calorie restrictions and over-the-top cardio; those days are over. I just had to manage my expectations about how long this process will take. I can deal with that. Good luck with your journey. Feel free to "friend" me if you'd like.