Newbie saying..... "hello"

Hi, My name is Elida and I'm a new member as of a few weeks ago. A little about me:

Just finished an accelerated licensing program to become a medical Esthetician...returning to school was much harder than I expected and I'm proud that I did it.

I will be taking the exam on June 1st...and I decided to take this month to really focus on improving my outer image, in preparation for my job hunt.

I gained 20 pounds while in school, I now weigh my all time heaviest of 168....I dont feel like myself, I'm uncomfortable in my own skin.

I was used to being between 135-145 for the last 10 doesnt help that i'm in my 40's and dealing with a much slower metabolism!

Anyway, I am pretty curious and methodical by nature so I have a decent understanding of what kind of dietary changes I had to make. I cleaned up my diet a few weeks ago, but i just couldnt get my mind on working out. Its almost like i had to build up to facing that portion of my journey. Really the food part was interesting and fun for me since i love most foods.

These are my goals:

1. Eat clean, mostly unprocessed, whole, real foods, incorporating a fresh juice or green smoothie each day.
2. I will be following the Intermittent Fasting diet......eating within an 8 hour window......fasting the remaining 16hrs.
3. I will be working out in the mornings on a fasted stomach, at my health club, which i rejoined (yay, finally)
4. I will be taking a few supplements
5. I want to lose about 15 pounds by June i am going to be very very focused. I know thats alot for a month!

Well folks, thats my story, or as much of it as possible without boring you all. If you'd like to reach out to me that would be great! I hope to make a few fitpal friends along the way......I look forward to that actually.



  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome Elida! Best of wishes on your goals! :)
  • Tinapopo
    Tinapopo Posts: 34 Member
    Hi welcome add me we can do this
  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41

    Thanks for the greeting! I love your progress graph.....where or how would I get one of those for myself, they're nifty!
  • texstorm
    texstorm Posts: 158 Member
    I like that you have very specific and focused goals and a solid reason why you want to make changes.

    Two things I would suggest:

    1) Shake up the intermittent fasting by eating on a normal schedule every other week. That will really make it intermittent, and also won't allow your metabolism to adapt.

    2) 15 pounds is a lot in one month. It can be done, but I'd recommend a less aggressive goal if you want to be able to maintain that weight once you get there. What you don't want to do is put yourself at such a caloric deficit that your body thinks you're in a famine and goes into storage mode.

    Overall, just give yourself permission to learn through this process. Listen to your body and see what works and what doesn't.

  • Penders33
    Penders33 Posts: 3
    Hi Elida,

    My name is Vicki and I just joined today. I'm in the UK and just want to wish you luck with your weight loss goals; mine are similar! I'm going on holiday at the end of June and would really like to drop about a stone and a half by then (21lb).

    I know that is a lot in a short space of time but in the past I've lost weight pretty quickly once I cut out the junk, so fingers crossed!

    Anyway, I'm still finding my way around on here so just thought I'd submit my first post ????.

    All the best,

  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    Hi Tex!
    I appreciate your suggestion, I will totally do that. Thank you for that!

    Yes, i just am sooooo uncomfortable in my body right now, i'm restless....its a woman there are things I'd like to wear....and I dont fit into any of my clothes. I refuse to buy size 12 I pretty much live in tight fitting workout yoga pants and tshirts I am saving the clothes shopping as a small reward to myself for when i reach my 140's again.

    I do know that many people have it worse than me regarding the shear amount of weight they need to lose. Its humbling to know that it could be worse......but I am still overwhelmed at having 35lbs to lose!

    I am practicing the whole concept of loving myself as i am, but its HARD to do all the time! I am listening to a few audio programs that are truly helping me with the mental aspect, weightloss programs by Dr. Illig and by Kelly Howell.....and thank GOD i found them. Brilliant stuff.

    I will take your advise and really be "intermittent" with my IF program....:happy:
  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    Hello Pender!

    Wow, so you too know that our goals of 15-20lbs are potentially "not good in the long run" But what the heck.....we have our reasons! Going on vacation is the best reason I could think of!

  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    Hi Humingbird! ......and thank you!
  • texstorm
    texstorm Posts: 158 Member
    Hi Tex!
    I appreciate your suggestion, I will totally do that. Thank you for that!

    Yes, i just am sooooo uncomfortable in my body right now, i'm restless....its a woman there are things I'd like to wear....and I dont fit into any of my clothes. I refuse to buy size 12 I pretty much live in tight fitting workout yoga pants and tshirts I am saving the clothes shopping as a small reward to myself for when i reach my 140's again.

    I do know that many people have it worse than me regarding the shear amount of weight they need to lose. Its humbling to know that it could be worse......but I am still overwhelmed at having 35lbs to lose!

    I am practicing the whole concept of loving myself as i am, but its HARD to do all the time! I am listening to a few audio programs that are truly helping me with the mental aspect, weightloss programs by Dr. Illig and by Kelly Howell.....and thank GOD i found them. Brilliant stuff.

    I will take your advise and really be "intermittent" with my IF program....:happy:

    Whatever your goal, so long as it is meaningful to you it should be able to keep you on track.

    35 lbs. is nothing to sneeze at. What you will probably find is that you'll drop the first 10 to 15 pretty easily. The last 10 to 15 will be more of a battle. I started my journey before joining MFP, so my little tracker thing says I've only lost 45, but I've actually lost more than 50. The first 25 dropped very quickly and then I plateaued there for over a year before I figured out how to get the rest of the way there, and the last 10 were a 2 year battle.

    Let me know if I can help.

  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    Thanks Rex....done deal.

    Taking a few "before" pics of myself in a few minutes, for my own personal use. YIKES
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Hi there, you can add me if you like :)