Cardio Question

This question has been asked time and time again, I know... but just one more time!

I also know that most likely there might not be an answer to this, but I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on if cardio is necessary FOR ME. My goal isn't exactly to lose weight, just tone up. I am 5'4 and 120 lbs. I am in no way fat, but I do feel as though I have a slight layer of chub around my stomach that's apparent when I sit down. I eat fairly healthy, limiting my fast food intake and eating as best I can. I don't want a six pack, just lean abs. I try to workout (free weights, machines, and exercises like squats/push ups/ etc that don't require anything but my body) 3 times a week. I HATE cardio, its just so boring to me. BUT I'm beginning to think that perhaps I won't lose this slight layer of chub in my midsection without doing some cardio?

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!


  • nemodawson
    nemodawson Posts: 6 Member
    Cardio doesn't have to be running or a treadmill, you can do circuit training which would hit you goal of strength training with cardio mixed in.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Some form of "cardio" is necessary for everyone to be healthy. But, cardio is simply going for a walk, jogging, dancing, using a bike, or doing a circuit type of training, a Zumba class, martial arts etc if you want something more structured that feels like exercise routine.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Fat loss is caused by calorie deficit, not by specific exercise.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    almost nothing in life is necessary
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I try to workout (free weights, machines, and exercises like squats/push ups/ etc that don't require anything but my body) 3 times a week. I HATE cardio, its just so boring to me. BUT I'm beginning to think that perhaps I won't lose this slight layer of chub in my midsection without doing some cardio?

    You seem to be conflating two questions, how to lose the last bit of fat, and do you have to do CV work?

    As far as the last bit of fat is concerned, continue eating in mild deficit, and train. It will go, belly fat is regularly the last to go.

    As far as CV is concerned, the benefits are improved CV health, improved endurance and improved conversion of energy. You can do all sorts of CV work to encourage that and I'm sceptical of anyone who says that hate all cardio.

    Given that you talk about resistance machines I take it that means that you also do CV on a hamster wheel in an air conditioned box. Understandable that you'd hate it, incredibly boring. I can generally only put up with a few minutes on one of those machines.

    Personally I run or cycle, I get outside in the forest and do my training out there. I'll quite comfortably go and spend a few hours training, but I'm ready to tear limbs off if I have to spend any time in the gym.

    Try something else; swim, walk, skate, play squash there are lots of options
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    How about try HIIT sessions where you're doing cardio and body weight exercises? Or something like Insanity?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member

    Cardio is mostly about burning calories so you can eat more and improving cardiovascular health/endurance.

    If you would like either of those, I'd suggest looking to some less 'boring' cardio - maybe doing some sports, mountain bike riding. Even running with a local club I'd much prefer to stuck on a gym machine - then there's a social aspect, and you can get a bit competitive if you want to (others don't, but I'll often try and 'race' to the top of a hill, say.)