how do you keep motivated?



  • kfizza1
    kfizza1 Posts: 48 Member
    cenafan wrote: »
    I remind myself that I stayed in my calorie range, did my workouts and that there is no way I actually gained 2lbs of fat. It's water or just my body fluctuating. It usually jumps back down quickly.

    Yup exactly that! It's really not 2 lbs of "fat" that you gained overnight. Just stick to your routine, work out, drink plenty of water and the weight will come back down to normal in no time. :smile:
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Since I weigh daily, I usually can figure out why it's changed that way. Sodium, or a big meal, working extra hard at the gym, or even having some water before bed - or any combination of those - can result in a higher number on the scale. It's a reminder to pay attention, sure, but it doesn't discourage me because 2 or 3 pounds isn't going to make a difference. It's when it's 2 AND 3 AND ... etc!! I'm in it for the long haul.