No wonder I am overweight!

Monda Posts: 271 Member
My husband really just made me upset! I have been doing so good for the past 6 weeks and today I decided to eat just 1 oreo cookie. And he just gave me the 3rd degree about it. We actually argued because of 1 stupid cookie. He is so unsupportive and I am so mad. It makes me want to eat the whole bag just to show him that I can. I am not a child who needs to be punished because I stuck my hand in the cookie jar without asking. Who does that anyway! He only weight 150 lbs and can eat anything he wants without gaining an ounce. So he will never understand the struggle of losing weight. I guess he wants me to be deprived of certain things. I don't know. Right now, he is the biggest jerk to me. I managed to add the cookie into my calories today and still had 117 left. I think I did fairly well, considering I have not had anything like that in 6 weeks. It is so hard when you have no support at home. Thank God there is MFP! Thanks guys for listening! Praying for a better day tomorrow. :)


  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    no need to feel guilty! like you said, the stress and anger will prompt you to eat the rest of the bag! if you can enjoy a treat, and hold yourself accountable (tracking it in your diary), then i'd say you're good to go! too bad you don't have much support at home, it must be hard!! but like you said, we are always here! =]
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Maybe he is just incredibly lame at being supportive, and this is his attempt at it?

    One oreo in 6 weeks doesn't seem like anything with worrying about, for or for him!
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I'm with you girl! My husband isn't supportive either, although he's not mean about it. He just always wants to eat something super fatty knowing that I can't resist it!
  • jeanineadele
    Well he probably was TRYING to be supportive. You are right though, it is probably better to have the one cookie and work it into your calories than to feel deprived and go off on a binder down the road. Later, when you weigh less than him you can say I TOLD YOU SO!!! For now try not to let it bother you, you know your right.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    IF there is a next time- just tell him it's part of your food budget, and that you planned for it!:flowerforyou:
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    You have every right to enjoy a treat every so often. I'm sorry he wasn't being very supportive. Men don't seem to understand how much harder it is for us to lose weight because they can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound. My bf tries to be supportive but sometimes it bothers me when we eat something like a cookie and he says I shouldn't eat it while he is scarfing them down. I hope next time he'll be more understanding and supportive of all the good work you are doing.
  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    he probably wasn't trying to be mean. you could take this opportunity to educate him on exactly what you are doing and the fact that you did work the cookie in to your calories for the day. maybe he just doesn't understand that you're not supposed to deprive yourself and that you actually should be able to occasionally indulge. it's the key to sustainable weight loss.
  • WonderNoodle
    well i'm with the rest of them. in his not so brilliant way, he probably was trying to detour you from "a mistake". his way of supporting you by not letting you slip. but as you said, thank goodness for MFP because WE GET IT AND YOU. people that don't watch what they eat, haven't dealt with trying to lose weight don't get it and think it has to be all or none.

    i struggle with feeling i have to explain myself to anyone seeing me enjoy a treat! "i have calories saved for this...." it's none of their business and i'm the only one i need to be accountable to, however, i feel like the kid with their hand in the cookie jar when somebody "catches me" eating. i say this to ask you, were you a little extra sensitive? :huh: just sayin.... i know i jump to the confession booth when the people around me could probably care less what i'm eating. LOL! :laugh:
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Ya know what sweetie- if you are going to make this a lifestyle change and not just another diet, you will have sweets here and there. You did a great job planning ahead and making sure it fit your calories. Way to go!! You should be proud of yourself.. Dont spoil your accomplishments- you have worked way to hard.
  • princessmedic
    Everybody needs a cookie every once in awhile!
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    if you become fully deprived it makes your goals soo much harder to achieve.. i love chocalote chips cookies and today was my first time having some sort of cookie in a month.. i learned its ok to eat things like cakes and cookies as long as you arent gorging of them... you have to indulge yourself sometimes... i have 1 day a week i try not to count calories just to relieve my self from constant supervision even though i still eat portionately... best of luck to you and i understand completely being around someone who can eat and eat and not gain an ounce....
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    My husband really just made me upset! I have been doing so good for the past 6 weeks and today I decided to eat just 1 oreo cookie. And he just gave me the 3rd degree about it. We actually argued because of 1 stupid cookie. He is so unsupportive and I am so mad. It makes me want to eat the whole bag just to show him that I can. I am not a child who needs to be punished because I stuck my hand in the cookie jar without asking. Who does that anyway! He only weight 150 lbs and can eat anything he wants without gaining an ounce. So he will never understand the struggle of losing weight. I guess he wants me to be deprived of certain things. I don't know. Right now, he is the biggest jerk to me. I managed to add the cookie into my calories today and still had 117 left. I think I did fairly well, considering I have not had anything like that in 6 weeks. It is so hard when you have no support at home. Thank God there is MFP! Thanks guys for listening! Praying for a better day tomorrow. :)

    I do understand your being upset. but don't understand the tittle of your post. Are you implying that you are overweight because your husband nagged you? Please think about it, it seems to me that rather than taking responsibility for your eating habits you are blaming external factors (e.g. your husband), for it.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    wow, 117 cals left over?...that's great...keep coming in under your cals like you did and you'll do fine...your doing great, thanks for logging in....i feel ya on the non support thing but you just keep on keepin on like you are and you'll continue to progress....and one cookie won't make you overweight....;o)....some times you have to take a deep breath and move on....don't let it stress will make it:O)
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks so much guys! I really needed this pick me up. I think you may be right, he may have been trying to be supportive but it came out all wrong. Who knows? LOL Hopefully we can get past the cookie monster and not have anymore arguements. LOL Thanks again!
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    My husband really just made me upset! I have been doing so good for the past 6 weeks and today I decided to eat just 1 oreo cookie. And he just gave me the 3rd degree about it. We actually argued because of 1 stupid cookie. He is so unsupportive and I am so mad. It makes me want to eat the whole bag just to show him that I can. I am not a child who needs to be punished because I stuck my hand in the cookie jar without asking. Who does that anyway! He only weight 150 lbs and can eat anything he wants without gaining an ounce. So he will never understand the struggle of losing weight. I guess he wants me to be deprived of certain things. I don't know. Right now, he is the biggest jerk to me. I managed to add the cookie into my calories today and still had 117 left. I think I did fairly well, considering I have not had anything like that in 6 weeks. It is so hard when you have no support at home. Thank God there is MFP! Thanks guys for listening! Praying for a better day tomorrow. :)

    I do understand your being upset. but don't understand the tittle of your post. Are you implying that you are overweight because your husband nagged you? Please think about it, it seems to me that rather than taking responsibility for your eating habits you are blaming external factors (e.g. your husband), for it.

    I think I was really trying to imply that the stress from the situation is what keeps me overweight. I dare not to blame my husband for it, atleast not on purpose. However, I can see how it would sound that way. :)
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    My husband does that all the time , in a joking manner but it still hurts and makes me upset b/c it feels like he's as eager as I am for me to lose this weight or in other words "calling me fat" lmao Im such a sissy :P
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Well it is a good thing he and I aren't married because he probably would have beat me up if he saw the cold stone creamery milkshake that I had today! Lol I have had no kind of treats, myself, in about two months and while my daughter and I were running our tails off, at the mall, running errands, we stopped in. I was going to have a smoothie but REALLY wanted the milkshake. So I remembered all of the people, on here, that have always said that you should not deprive yourself but indeed indulge sometimes, just in moderation, and put it in your diary. So after having no kind of treat for so long, and doing double workouts every day this week, I indulged.

    Anyway monda, he has NO idea what you are going through and really should keep quiet. I am sorry that you were made to feel this way and yea for you thatbyou putnit in your food diary and still didn't go over your goal. That is the point here, not that you had one Oreo. Keep it up,
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    :flowerforyou: That's so eff'd up!! Husband/Family if they can't be supportive - then you have you know it in YOURSELF that you have a goal and planned out and YES a cookie or two. If you don't allow it in a controlled, planned for manner then one day it may bite (no pun intented) you in the butt. PAY THEM NO MIND ~ it is not worth the stress as someone else on here.

    Do your best and the rest will follow!!!!!

    When you lose weight at your next weigh in. If he even bothers to ask you how you did. Tell him you lost and try to talk about the fact that counting calories is that. You can have whatever you want but now a bag of it. Stick that in his pipe and smoke it!

    If you ever need to vent -let it rip.... We're all here. :flowerforyou:

    That's my 2 cents, Just my thoughts/feelings. If you don't agree pay me no mind & I truly wish you the best!
  • YourFriendBecky
    Are you implying that you are overweight because your husband nagged you? Please think about it, it seems to me that rather than taking responsibility for your eating habits you are blaming external factors (e.g. your husband), for it.

    I think that most people, when they feel that someone is policing their actions or when they feel judged, tend to feel rebellious. It's human nature. All of us want to be treated with respect in all situations, and certainly in one's own home, when it comes to one's spouse, we all want to feel that we are trusted to make good decisions and not treated like a child.

    Perhaps he did have good intentions, but still... I would have felt a bit annoyed and rebellious myself. In fact (not that I'm suggesting that anyone end a relationship), I have found weight loss to be much, much less of a challenge since having left a relationship with a judgmental person who simply could not fathom how anyone could allow himself/herself to get really overweight. His lack of understanding and empathy was like adding fuel to the fire, and I found I kept gaining weight because what I was really "hungry" for was unconditional love and understanding.

    I'm not projecting my experience onto Monda, I'm just saying... we're all just human, after all, and we do sometimes respond to emotional issues in less than productive ways.

    Not that eating an Oreo is a big deal, by the way. A person could have Oreos every day and still lose weight just fine.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Not that eating an Oreo is a big deal, by the way. A person could have Oreos every day and still lose weight just fine.

    Amen Becky - Well said!

    Perhaps, When everything thing is at neutral temps they can talk about it, hash it out!!

    Good Luck!!
    (I am new to this site and didin't quote properly I think. Bear with me)