Going out for dinner today, help



  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I live in Rome, Italy and eat out at Italian restaurants all the time--my skinny husband wants to at least twice a week. I used to really stress about this, but now have it under control. My husband usually orders a pizza, which he can never finish, so he puts me under pressure to finish it after I finish my food. I usually order a big salad which is around 300cal and then I will eat 1/3 of his pizza. We order 1 desert and share it. Sometimes I just want my favorite pizza-Marinara- which has no cheese just tomato sauce, oregano, fresh basil, garlic and olive oil. Any pizza with cheese is alot more calories. So, you have to decide what you want to do. Remember in the US you can also eat half, and take the rest home for the next day. You can tell your mom that you're just not hungry enough to finish it at the restaurant, and will do so tomorrow. Be an actress with a big show of slowing down half way through, and just can't finish. When you're with controling people sometimes you just have to outfox 'em. Best of luck to you. You have got to find an answer to this problem because it will not go away.