Hip/glutes workout

So for whatever reason I have trouble running sometimes. My leg and my foot turns in and I feel like it will give out in me and I feel like I will fall on my face. I can't afford a chiropractor so I think the next best thing is hip/ glute strengthening. Anyone have suggestions on a workout targeting these areas and how often I should do them?

Thanks :)


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    You really should get it assessed by a physical therapist, so you can learn what and where the problem is. It might not be hip weakness.. maybe your foot over-pronates (caves in).. or maybe something else.

    Assuming the problem is a weak hip, first you would stretch the muscles that adduct (pull-in) the leg:


    Do that for a minute at least 4 times a day, and right before running too. Only stretch the side that caves in.

    Then strengthen the muscles that abduct (pull-out) the leg:


    Do 1-2 minutes once a day, preferably at night.

    Do you cross that leg over the other one when you sit?
  • lexmex88
    lexmex88 Posts: 4
    Thanks for the YouTube suggestions! Yes it is my right leg and I usually cross my right leg over the left. I guess that could be part of the problem!