Hey Everyone!

Let me start out by saying that this is the latest in a long line of efforts to lose weight. I'm ALWAYS on some sort of weight loss kick. And I'm never actually losing any weight. I'm the queen of justification. 'I took the stairs at work today so I can totally have a latte and brownie for lunch.' Not exactly a fair exchange but, of course, I tell myself it is. So I'm hoping this will give me a little more accountability so that I can stay on track.
Here is a little fact about me: You know how they say 'Those who can't do, teach'? Well, those who can't lose weight, motivate. I work for a fairly health-conscious company. At least once a year we have some sort of health/fitness challenge. We divide into teams and see who can lose the most weight or get the most exercise or whatever. I'm always the team lead because I'm full of inspirational and motivational quotes. I know all the reasons you should get healthy and I'm great at pumping up everyone around me to do that. And secretly snacking on cookies while I'm typing my motivational email-of-the-day. Hmmm. So why can I motivate everyone around me and not myself? I have no idea. Maybe it's because I live alone and have no one to hold me accountable. But why should I need someone else to keep me from snacking? Where's my self-discipline? I don't know the answer to that, either.
So here I am, folks. I'd like to say that I'm hoping this time will be THE time that I'll actually stick with it but, if someone told me that at work I would tell them that you can't hope because that's an admission of possible failure. And by admitting that failure is possible, you set yourself up to do so. So I'm telling you that this IS the time. I'm about to become a healthier (and happier!) me.

:heart: Mandy


  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Mandy, mind over mattter! believe to achieve! You can do it,have alot of support!:wink:
  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    Hi Mandy and welcome to MFP! You will find so much support and encouragement on this site. This is the absolute best site I've ever been on. I've been here for a month and a half and I've lost eight pounds and am so much more conscious of what goes into my mouth. You can do this. We will all help you. Friend request on the way.
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member
    Hey Mandy -

    Welcome to MFP! When I lived by myself I got rid of all junk food and only had lean cuisine's in the Freezer! The best way to not eat junk is to not have it around! you can do this! This is a great site and a lot of people to motivate you - I will friend you and try to help keep you motivated -