Cardio Newbie - Tips for beginners?

Hey, all!

I have finally decided that it is time to do something about my complete lack of cardio fitness (yay!). The problem is, I really haven't a clue what I'm doing. I never did sports and had a doctor's note that excused me from my high school's gym requirement (long story...). I've done some online research, but pretty much all I'm finding is the "how to burn ALL THE CALORIES in five minutes!!!" articles. These aren't exactly helpful because burning calories is NOT my goal - just cardio fitness. If I burn some calories in the process, spiffy, but that's not the point.

Does anyone have any tips for a total cardio noob? I'm a 24-year-old woman with a low/healthy bmi and mild asthma. (So, no joint issues and not a lot of weight to tote around, but lungs that are mediocre at best :wink: ) I have an elliptical in my basement, which is what I started with today.

Breathing tips in particular would be helpful, but so would stretching, diet before and after, water-related suggestions, etc. Basically, any wisdom you could impart would be very much appreciated. :smile:


  • ozzybird1
    ozzybird1 Posts: 17 Member
    what about Walk Away the Pounds" dvd Lesley Sansone. with or without hand weights. you start at 1 mile (around 18 mins) then there is 2 miles on same dvd. im asthmatic and have started with this :-)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Personally I'd recommend getting outside, rather than condemning yourself to a machine. But regardless its worth some kind of structured programme to improve your endurance. I started running a year ago with a nine week programme to help with that.

    A progressive approach means that you can build capacity, so working through the asthma without triggering it.

    As far as everything else is concerned, I wouldn't worry too much about diet. Drink plain water if you feel you need it.

    Don't stretch beforehand, but spend time afterwards on your major muscles
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Find something that you enjoy that elevates the heart rate and do it. Walk, run, cycle, dance, skate, ski, swim ... whatever. Start slow and easy then progress to longer duration and higher intensity.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Ease into it. I know you are probably pumped to jump start it but don't start out for an hour at a time. Start with whatever your body feels comfortable with, maybe only 10 minutes at a time. If you must do more for your mental well being, you can break up your workouts into morning and eventing sessions to get more time in.

    If you're going to stretch, don't do it cold. You can do more damage that way. Either warm up first with a few minutes of jumping jacks, jump rope, running in place or anything else that elevates your heart rate and warms up your muscles. For cardio, stretching the major lower body muscle groups will be a good idea (calves, shins, quads, hams and glutes). Stretching other parts of the body won't hurt either. Then stretch again while you're cooling down after the workout.

    Just make sure you're hitting your calorie goals for the day. No need for specific pre or post workout eating until you're well out of the novice category. Hydrate as necessary on whatever liquid refreshments you enjoy minus alcohol.