Knee/shin pain?


I have been experiencing some knee pain for a while now. It feels as though there is some kind of "air bubble" that needs to be "popped" in my knee cap. I do not like bending my knees anymore since it kind of hurts and the thought of doing a squat makes me cringe. My shins also bother me sometimes, and I feel like I've been getting shin splints solely from walking around for the past year and a half. I used to be very regular about exercise (and maybe overdid it sometimes), but haven't honestly been working out regularly for the past year and a half. I take a multivitamin daily so I feel like I definitely get enough calcium, so I don't think this is necessarily related to that. I am almost wondering if this is from lack of activity? I never used to feel this when I was working out for 1-2 hours 6 days a week, and now my exercise is really just daily life, and maybe going to the gym once a week if I'm lucky. I really want to start running outdoors and be able to actually run a mile (and more eventually) without stopping, but I feel like this is getting in the way and I have noticed some pain in my knees and shins. In fact, I am sitting down right now to type this not moving at all and I do feel a bit of pain in my knees. Anyone have any insight? Could this be leftover from a history of overexercise or weakness from prolonged lack of activity?


  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    if you're talking about a nagging, annoying but not really severe pain, your muscles could be tight from using them after a period of no activity.

    What side of the knee are you feeling the pain in? If it's on the outside it might be your IT band, if it's on the inside it might be your adductors. Also your quads and calf muscles will pull on the knee/shin if they're tight.

    I would give those a good stretch maybe 2-3x a day and see if the pain improves.