Should I update my weight daily?


I weight myself every morning, and every night. It keeps me grounded, and I just need to, lol.
I did my weight update yesterday, Friday on here, so do I update it as I lose, or just once a week?

Thanks : )


  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I usually update mine each time I reach a new low, but honestly it's 100% up to you! If you want a true picture of all the ups and downs over time, and it won't hurt you emotionally, definitely log each day! I weigh almost every day on the Wii Fit so that thing has the ugly up-and-down graph. I want my MFP graph to be smooth sailing :)
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    once a week tbh, weight fluctuates daily and it can drive you mad
  • Stormykitty
    Stormykitty Posts: 43 Member
    I agree it's a personal choice. However, I prefer the once a week due my issues with edema. It flips me out when I used to weigh daily and see I went up 5-6lbs but then I was more "water logged" then normal.
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    I personally like 1 to 2 times a week. Weight changes to much day to day to track every day. I think it would really zap my motivation if I watched it fluctuate so much, but as with everything having to do with weight loss, it is a personal preference and your milage may vary.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I wouldn't personally recommend it...your body's water retention will vary through out the day, and through out the week and month. But as previously stated it is a personal decision....I would drive myself mad if I tried to track weight every day, seeing all the fluctuations. I may weigh daily but made a pact to only update once a week. You may end up being too harsh on yourself if you see it raise from one day to the next.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    I try not to weigh in daily, as it just shows oscillations up and down that are body function related, as opposed to actual fat loss.

    Once a week is best bet, probably.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I update daily. Do what works for you.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So weighing 2 x daily can keep you grounded, lets you see how invalid the weight is when weighing frequently because you can see all the fluctuations that can happen.

    But if it starts stressing you out, or making you think a 2 lb gain through the day must be handled by eating even less the next day - then that's going to screw up your mind, stress, hormones, and weight loss.
    In that case don't do it.

    But you do need a valid weigh in day, and always inputting numbers up and down will cause MFP to constantly report each loss to your friends, and while they congrat you on each 1 lb loss, you know you actually lost that 1 after gaining 2 you logged that did not report of course.
    So that could get discouraging too.

    Suggest you pick at least 1 valid weigh-in day - because not all are valid as data points precisely because of the normal water weight fluctuations.

    Morning after rest day eating normal sodium levels (not higher or lower), and not sore from last workout (retaining water).

    Anything other than that is just noise, and you need a good month to see a direction with a bunch of noise.
  • nikprot
    nikprot Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh myself every day because I want to know what's going on... I know it's not right but I feel better this way. I told you I weigh myself every day but I log in here once a week. Every Saturday.
  • evabugsmamaw
    evabugsmamaw Posts: 2 Member
    I personally weigh myself every night before I go to bed and every morning when I get up. BELIEVE me it drives me nuts when the scale says that I have gained a couple of lbs. I keep complaining to my husband but he says that it's normal for my body weight to go up and down. So back to your question as to whether add your weight every time you weigh your self?

    I don't, I only add it when I have lost weight, if I were to add my weight all the time my scale would look like a EKG monitor. :smile:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You're going to drive yourself nuts doing that. Weigh once a week at the most! Your weight can vary wildly just over the course of a day. Don't obsess about an essentially meaningless number...go for the long term trend instead.
  • 1reneeski
    1reneeski Posts: 32 Member
    Oh my gosh, you guys are all so sweet for answering. Thank you so much! I will log on Fridays, like I started yesterday. Last
    night I felt really full, and fat LOL, but this morning I was down like .4 so if I went by how I felt last night, I would of guessed I gained. This proves everyones point about the body fluctuating (hope I spelled that right), and I will just do once a week.

    Everyone is so helpful on here!

    Thank you so much! Renee : )
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    No. I think once a week is quite a lot, and once a month is better. If you're a female keep a note of where in your cycle you are when weighing too, you can gain a couple of pounds when you're premenstrual then lose something like 7lbs the week of your period so it can give flukey readings over the space of just a week.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    My Libra app sends me a reminder every morning to weigh myself. It keeps a nice little graph and everything. So I weigh myself every morning right after I get up and pee, always in the same type of clothing.

    Weighing daily doesn't stress me out because I'm always prepared to see a bit of fluctuation. I do, however, only update my weight on MFP if it's a new "record" low hah.
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    I may hop on and off the scales throughout the week but I only log on a friday morning.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    I personally check my weight every morning... after the bathroom and before breakfast... however, I only log it in once a week...
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and log daily. I prefer to know what's going on good or bad.
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    Daily is too often. In my opinion you should weigh yourself once every week or two because you're not going to get an accurate reading by doing it daily and it can get you down if you don't see what you'd like to see.
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    I weigh myself every day, honestly just because I'm nosy! I log my weight every monday morning, although as I'm only aiming to lose 1lb a week it's easy for me to just have an unlucky upwards fluctuation on that day, so really it'd be better to log my weight once a month, then I'd be able to see if the trend over the 4 weeks has been going down. It's up to you really, but I've always thought there's not much point to logging every day as weight fluctuates so much day by day it's not always a realistic picture of what your weight is, I'd focus more on the long term trend and not the exact weight, the less often you log the more you'll focus on this, although I can't talk because I log once a week :p
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    I only enter losses here. I log my daily weights in an app that makes cool graphs and keeps statistics.