Looking for some friends!

evamars Posts: 2 Member
Hi, I'm Eva and this is my 4th time on my fitness pal, sadly all my other times had been unsuccessful. I haven't really talked to any other users or anything along those lines so I'm hoping that with friends I will be more successful in my goal.

I'm 21 years old, I'm a full time pharmacy tech and bride to be, I'm trying to lose weight so I feel better about myself and have healthier habits. So if you want to add me and I'll help support you!


  • hi eva! im looking for some friends too for support and also to help others out so if you want to be buddies just add me up! i tried fitnesspal awhile ago too but didnt follow through so this time im determined :)
  • KristyR341199
    KristyR341199 Posts: 15 Member
    I sent you a friend request. Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend. I can always use more support and encouragement!
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    I sent you a friend request. Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend. I can always use more support and encouragement!

    Hi there. Friend request sent. I've been in OKC for a temporary work assignment for the last year!
  • bailarmoi
    bailarmoi Posts: 2
    Hi! My name is Laura-Jane and I am looking for some friends too. My 30th birthday is looming and have decided to do something about my weight and lifestyle and I hear everyone swears by MFP. I have a long way to go to reach my end goal weight, but I am hoping to lose a stone before the big 3-0 which is next month. Every little helps.

    I hope I can add some of guys that a replied to this thread. That's if I can work out how to do it! Lol.
