So i injured my back last monday .. then re-sprained my back trying to lift my friend last night (she was trying to eat my cookies) anyways today was my first day back in the gym doing weights... not gonna lie its all kinda scary.. i start with very light weights and then move up if theres no pain.. generally staying away from free weights being theres a higher chance of injury... and i got some leg lifts in but that was kinda iffy..

anyways.. any advice or anythign of the sort... and not going to the gym till it heals is not an option :P im not gonna waste away for six weeks .. but i will be smart about what i do


  • xDeannaGarciax
    Oh no, well I hope you feel better. Only advice I have is when I was pregnant with my last child I had excrutiating lower back pain for the last month because his spine was aligned with my spine after he dropped and they were putting pressure on eachother. My girlfriend had this little sack, for sore muscles and gave me one, inside of the fabric is corn, I microwave it and it was amazing, I still use it when I have any sore muscles:bigsmile: . My dad had back problems ever since I can remember and he use to do excersices and special workouts that would help his back at the same time.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Have you thought about different workouts? What did your doctor say? Yoga? Swimming? In fact, spend as much time in water as you can. And work out with the lovely old ladies in the senior water aerobics if you can.

    But be careful. 6 weeks of gentle is a lot better than a year in a cast or back surgery or something awful (okay, so that's an exaggeration, but still :smile:)
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    hahahaha thanks.. and no DR figured its not that bad.. and swimming doesnt hurt at all only jumping running kinda stuff... anytime i put pressure on it..