Vegetables? Eww Yuk



  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    Before I started this most recent weight loss journey, the only vegetables I liked were either covered in cheese, or cream, or breaded

    Now - I generally don't use any of that and quite frankly only add in olive oil to get my fats up - not as much for taste. Like other posters mentioned, roasting vegetables bring out a whole new variety of tastes as opposed to the soggy boiled messes that I grew up with. I just generally throw them in the oven with some seasoning and usually they come out great - roasted tomatoes with a little parm on top, roasted broccoli and everyone makes fun of the cauliflower, but I add it to everything, eggplant/zucchini fries, I am going to try the zucchini pasta substitutions next. There are just so many options out there

    I would have told you that I disliked everything about vegetables - some got special avoidance techniques like mushrooms and tomatoes - now most of my meals have tomatoes and there is a container of mushrooms in my fridge

    Your tastes do change, and experiment and see what works for you before you write most of them off
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    I think your error is in expecting to like them. You have been allowed to think (by your parents, I guess) that liking a food is relevant.

    it's an error borne of not having any famines when they were growing up to teach them that having food at all is a bonus, and liking it is completely off the charts super double bonus.

    When we raise children to eat a food, we offer it 10 times. At the 10th time the child will have started to get used to the mouth feel, gotten over any 'ick' reactions he might have had, (ick reactions are psychological and happen to teenaged girls who are developing affectations in an attempt to look 'cute', also. They are not physiological and they are not relevant to survival. They are only able to survive in an environment where survival itself is already guaranteed.)

    So anyway, choose the vegetables you DO like, write a list of them, and every week buy one more vegetable, and try it ten times. I don't mean that silly 'teeniest bite with the tips of the teeth' gobshyte I've seen teenagers do. I mean chuck a whole mouthful in, think of England and eat it as fast as you can, and swallow it.

    you do that ten times and by the 10th time you will have worked out all of your difficulties and gotten over your dislike. Remember: it's 100% psychological and your parents let you get away with that. Or, to put it another way, you were spoiled. If you can 'unspoil' yourself by the time you have children you can save them from your problem, which is that having limited yourself in terms of what food you will eat, you've cut out all the non-fattening ones and are left only with the fattening ones.

    I was going to say exactly this!! You need to try it, REALLY TRY IT, AD NAUSEUM until you like it. And you WILL like it eventually. I used to hate a million foods--now the only thing I truly won't touch is salami..and that's because I haven't really tried to like it because I don't need another processed cold-cut I enjoy. I hated everything from cream cheese to pot pie to pepperoni to guacamole to onions (every which way)...and I honestly 'pretended' to like vegetables (but I'd never choose to eat anything but carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower). Now I eat everything, and anything, and the weirder the better. And all of the foods I listed as having hated---probably my favorites now.

    You just need to keep eating it no matter'll like it. will. Your body is trained to do that.

    Now durian fruit...well perhaps we won't gain that much of an ability...but seriously...even then!

    And I second how annoying it is to go out with people who won't eat/try anything. Like legit, we went to this vegan restaurant and this girl we were treating ordered VEGGIE LO MEIN. IT IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS ANYWHERE ELSE- No fake meat involved.

    And guess what...she wouldn't eat it. She claimed it "tasted funny" (because there was no grease). I have eaten lo mein from just about every place in a 20 mile radius and it tastes EXACTLY the same.

    Your mind is really where it's all happening...

    (also...try pot! get the munchies! you'll eat anything then! dill pickle potato chips anyone?? or fried chicken and waffle chips? gosh....those really tasted like having a stroke *aka, like burning hair*)
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    At least you have other foods to fall back on. My step-brother is a "vegetarian" but he hates vegtables. All I've ever seen him eat are bean burritos.

    I on the other hand am a vegetarian who loves all vegetables.... except not big on tomatoes, but they're a fruit anyways!

    So he's really a "I don't eat meat" person, lol?
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    Hahaha. Kale in a smoothie. Spat it out , quit that ****. Though I think I will give it a shot again actually looking up recipes this time :smile: The OP's do not like list is very long, but it appears she likes and eats way more veg than I do!!

    Have you tried masking the taste of kale with fruits? 1 cup of kale, 1 cup of frozen berries, half a banana, 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, 1 cup of nondairy milk. Blend the kale and milk first, then add in the rest and blend again. I had this today and you'll taste more of the fruit than the kale if you actually taste the kale at all.

    Hey thanks, I might try this!

    I just have to buy the non diary milk, berries, bananas and kale first :laugh: How do you measure kale in cups? I normally just yank off the leaves or I can weigh them?

    I get kale that is usually chopped. If they aren't, you can just chop or rip them into pieces so you can fit them into a measuring cup (I use one of the 1-cup measurers). Weighing them isn't necessary and usually a handful would equal that amount.

    With this smoothie, I use the kale more as a means to get more vegetables in my meal rather than tasting it (even though I don't mind the taste of it, lol). Imo, mostly veggie smoothies are bitter and nasty :P.