Help me with weight training.

Hey guys, I was hoping some of the more knowledgeable strength trainers here could help me figure a couple of things out. I'm new to all this but taking all the advice I can and applying it hard and seriously (12 pounds down in less than 2 weeks!) but let me explain my concerns, and you tell me if they're valid concerns, and what I should do about them, if anything.

Being morbidly obese, of course, my #1 priority is dropping my weight to a healthy level. However, I'm also training for strength and I want to make gains and keep my metabolism running. I'm gaining, but at a slower pace than my brother for example who's not cutting calories. Okay, on to the questions themselves:

Eating at such a major deficit (I eat as little as 1200 to as much as 1600 per day, one cheat day per week at 2000 cals), can I expect to keep making strength gains?

Does being overweight give me an advantage in the weight room as far as keeping gains going?

What's a good way to ensure that my cardio (treadmill, bike, T25) and my caloric deficit isn't eating away at my muscles?

Would you be willing to recommend a good split for me? Currently I do 3 sets of 10 on compound rows, shoulder press, machine press, leg press, and bicep curls.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Hey guys, I was hoping some of the more knowledgeable strength trainers here could help me figure a couple of things out. I'm new to all this but taking all the advice I can and applying it hard and seriously (12 pounds down in less than 2 weeks!) but let me explain my concerns, and you tell me if they're valid concerns, and what I should do about them, if anything.

    Being morbidly obese, of course, my #1 priority is dropping my weight to a healthy level. However, I'm also training for strength and I want to make gains and keep my metabolism running. I'm gaining, but at a slower pace than my brother for example who's not cutting calories. Okay, on to the questions themselves:

    Eating at such a major deficit (I eat as little as 1200 to as much as 1600 per day, one cheat day per week at 2000 cals), can I expect to keep making strength gains?

    Does being overweight give me an advantage in the weight room as far as keeping gains going?

    What's a good way to ensure that my cardio (treadmill, bike, T25) and my caloric deficit isn't eating away at my muscles?

    Would you be willing to recommend a good split for me? Currently I do 3 sets of 10 on compound rows, shoulder press, machine press, leg press, and bicep curls.

    yeah, you're gonna need to correct this much too low calorie target before you start worrying about your strength gain progress and training splits, and eating away muscles. and all this other stuff. eat more.