I'm Really Struggling Eating Within Calorie Limit



  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    First thing I would do is cut out the shakeology stuff, and actually eat food. Then I would reset your goals, sounds like you are set to lose 2 lbs per week which is why you getting such a low amount of daily calories.

    I'm 5'7 menopausal female at 177 lbs and I eat about 1700 calories a day and still lose weight.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm with the others - drop shakes, eat food, and use the TDEE method to figure out your goal.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Cut down to ONE snake per day. Eat more real food. I'd be starving on just a shake for breakfast and lunch.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    These might help also...

    Read these:



    TL:DR link above ->http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/975025-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I also agree with the others, that you goal weight/week needs adjusted, and your calories seem too low. Also, don't be embarrassed and stop logging just because you over eat. If you don't want friends to see it, change your settings...but don't lie to yourself about your intake. When you plateau and are re-adjusting everything, you really need to log the good, the bad and the ugly so that you have something to reference back to and to compare to when needed. SImply put...the only person you are cheating is yourself!
    I think once you refigure your calorie allowance you will see hunger lessen, and be able to get back on track! Best Wishes!
  • Madison1Jones
    Give your self a cut out time, there are mixed reviews about stopping eating at 8 pm ( such as, it makes no difference as long as you stay within your calorie count), but I believe in it. It gives you time to metabolize your food before the next day weigh in and generally speaking, I have found it is relatively easy to do, and it eliminates late night snacking. I don't do so well restricting my calories either, but do well cutting out the bad stuff like white bread, fried food and sweet drinks which helps a lot in keeping within a reasonable count.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I agree with other posters, that for a male, your calorie limit might be set too low. However, I also looked at your diary, and there are some things you could do to help you feel less hungry. I've been doing something called the "I" diet that my daughter recommended, and it involves eating 3 moderate meals a day, plus two snacks. The snacks are usually things like a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or yogurt and a piece of fruit or an ounce of nuts. This keeps the hunger from making you feel you need a huge dinner. Dinner might be 4-6 ounces of protein, a salad, and a vegetable. But if you've had an apple or a lowfat yogurt at 4:00, you don't feel like you have to "pig out" at dinner.The other thing is that you are drinking a lot of calories with the Shakeology products. Maybe you would feel fuller if you didn't have those products and instead, ate 130 calories in actual food. Or if you feel your calorie count is too high, leave them out entirely. Is there some reason you need to drink 130-150 calories per meal in a shake rather than getting it through food? I'm not a big proponent of these shakes and other drinks -- my son who does body building stuff drinks a lot of it -- he's not dieting, but I often say, why don't you just eat a piece of chicken or an egg or something.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    In looking at your diary, you drink a lot of your calories. Maybe try cutting out the shakes and eat real food? It will be more satisfying.

    You've lost a lot of weight and had great success. Don't beat yourself up so much!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    You have 15 Lbs or less to lose...your weight loss goal should be less restrictive...you should shoot for 0.5 Lbs per week and I'd say no more than 1 Lb per week if you want to give yourself a little latitude for error. Your calorie goals are no longer appropriate for the amount of weight you have left to lose.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Goodmorning guys!!! i found some great drinks to help lose weight ALL NATURAL!!! ITS AMAZING and you feel like a new person after a week and you have so much more energy! and they give out a free trial !! check it out guys...https://aloha.com/?invite=iKGx1UurNR4

    NO. Just NO.

    It is against the TOS to try to sell your crap to people on the forums. So please take that elsewhere...
  • 30lbsorbust
    30lbsorbust Posts: 27 Member
    I think we can all identify with your daily calorie goal and hunger, so don't feel alone.

    May I make a couple of suggestions of things that have helped me? I don't ignore hunger but address it right away.

    My snacks are high protein such as a hard-boiled egg, a Tablespoon of hummus or whipped peanut butter, a Weight Watchers' cheese stick or 6-8 nuts.

    I also keep nuts with me at all times. It's amazing how just a few nuts will not only curb your hunger but also make you feel better.

    I have also increased my water intake and try to drink at least a cup or 1/2 bottle of water per hour.

    Carbs make me feel hungry; so I, like you, have reduced them and try to have them when I am eating protein too. The exception to that is I eat Jolly Time 94% fat free microwave popcorn in the evenings (it is filling, it crunches and is mentally and physically satisfying). It is the only one I like. (You can buy the small bags, but I like the large bag.) I find that I am not as hungry in the morning too.

    I don't drink diet drinks or use any type of artificial or natural sweeteners. They seem to make me feel hungry and a little yucky.

    Cheer up! You have done so well and are a great example to many. Your weight-loss will start again. You may just need to do a different type weight-loss plan for a couple of weeks to get it going again.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Goodmorning guys!!! i found some great drinks to help lose weight ALL NATURAL!!! ITS AMAZING and you feel like a new person after a week and you have so much more energy! and they give out a free trial !! check it out guys...https://aloha.com/?invite=iKGx1UurNR4

    NO. Just NO.

    It is against the TOS to try to sell your crap to people on the forums. So please take that elsewhere...

    + infinity
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    This is largely echoing what others have said, but I noticed a couple of things. First, that your calorie goals are too low for a youngish guy with as little left to lose as you have. You might want to think more about transititioning into maintenance, what will work long-term, even if the loss is slower. If you white knuckle your way to your goal it will be hard to maintain.

    Second, I typically eat 1250 calories when I don't work out and am not hungry, and yet I'd be starving on what you eat, calories aside. We are all different, so this may not apply to you, but even though I also don't snack I need some protein and vegetables at breakfast and lunch and even though I also sometimes use protein powder to supplement I keep in mind that calories I drink will usually not be as filling to me. You are basically eating fruit, dairy, and shakes until dinner and saving a huge number of calories for dinner, and that particular combination and split would make me ravenous. And if I let myself get ravenous for dinner I tend to eat much more than if I'd just eaten more calories earlier in the day (learned from thinking it would be a good idea to skip lunch before dinner out).

    Also, I feel better and am less hungry when I keep carbs around 100 g, but I don't personally think starches need to be eliminated. In fact, especially mixed with other foods, my experience is that foods like starchy vegetables, tubers, beans, etc. can be quite filling. And again, my experience is that vegetables in general are too, for little calorie cost.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Goodmorning guys!!! i found some great drinks to help lose weight ALL NATURAL!!! ITS AMAZING and you feel like a new person after a week and you have so much more energy! and they give out a free trial !! check it out guys...https://aloha.com/?invite=iKGx1UurNR4
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    May I make a couple of suggestions of things that have helped me? I don't ignore hunger but address it right away.

    I also keep nuts with me at all times. It's amazing how just a few nuts will not only curb your hunger but also make you feel better.
    morning too.

    Today I purchased some expensive macadamia nuts to leave at the office for when I'm most hungry in-between meals. They are so damn addicting and I ended up eating about 1/2 cup which doesn't seem like a lot since the nuts are large but that was more than 400 cal. Damn. I guess I like the taste too much. In the future, I'll limit myself to one individual nut as a "snack." Sigh.

    A lot of you have been critical of my Shakeology meal replacements. I actually introduced them recently to my diet in order to help control my calories while getting macro and micro nutrients. I never "drink" it mixed with water. I always mix it with either young coconut, coconut water, non-fat milk or non-fat yogurt + frozen berries. It turns a potential 130 cal meal into something that is like 350 cal. Maybe that's my problem? The other thing I'm thinking about is since my dinners have been so huge, I should reconsider fasting all day and eat only at dinner. That way, it'll be much easier to stay within my calorie limit.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Drinking large quantities of water can make hunger go away for a short time. But the real trick to beating hunger is to satisfy it without going overboard. Eat a small portion of fruit or some nuts and leave it at that. You may find it helpful to budget some calories for snacking like this. Also as you continue with your diet sticking within your calories will naturally become easier.

    There is also another factor.. A lot of people with weight to lose like eating. A lot. If you are bored your brain will seek out pleasure. And one of the easiest ways for your brain to fulfill that desire is to start ordering delicious food. Keep yourself occupied and you will be bothered less by hunger. You will be too distracted to care about minor pangs.
  • chargraves
    chargraves Posts: 65 Member
    A lot of you have been critical of my Shakeology meal replacements. I actually introduced them recently to my diet in order to help control my calories while getting macro and micro nutrients. I never "drink" it mixed with water. I always mix it with either young coconut, coconut water, non-fat milk or non-fat yogurt + frozen berries. It turns a potential 130 cal meal into something that is like 350 cal. Maybe that's my problem? The other thing I'm thinking about is since my dinners have been so huge, I should reconsider fasting all day and eat only at dinner. That way, it'll be much easier to stay within my calorie limit.

    So basically you are going to do more of what is currently not working for you?