Breathing all wrong

Hello everyone,
I have recently been back at the gym for cardio 'body attack' and strength 'body pump' classes. I have to say, i rather enjoy those classes, they are growing on me.
However, i notice my breathing is all wrong.

In cardio, i cannot breathe in from my nose and exhale through my mouth. I'm always huffing and puffing in and out from my mouth like a pathetic chimney,
And in strength, i *always* find myself breathing 'backwards' (one should exhale on release and i inhale or vice versa)

Who else is on that bad breathing boat ?
How do I get off of it ? There is so much to gain in breathing right I'm sure.


  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    Still getting the hang of cardio myself lol, but with weights you just have to make a conscious effort until it becomes habit.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    sounds like you're a beginner. focus on getting your form down for your lifts and getting your endurance base for your cardio before spending a ton of time worrying about which hole you're using to breathe
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    I honestly think it's just something that comes with time. If you're just starting out as long as you're breathing you're good . . . I used to hold my breath when I worked out. I'm a lot better now but I also breathe backwards lol. It will start to come more naturally the more you work out.
  • Thank you for your advice!
    I'll give my cardio jam a chance to develop then.
    And as far as weights go, i suppose that's why the coach is always reminding people how to breathe in his instructions. It has to be a conscious effort. That makes a lot of things to think about : shoulder down / don't lock your knees / control the weight / hips tucked / abs contracted / breathe right ????