What do I do now ??????? Run ??? Hide ??? What do I do :( :(



  • SandraMay1982
    You should savour that waffle. I have never had one in my whole life. (they're not a standard food sold in malls and what not over here, we only got pretzel stands about 5 years ago or so)
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it, everyone slips up. Just get back on track and keep working at it!
  • NotTheOldMe
    I just had a piece of chocolate cake. My little boy was so proud of it, b.c he helped make it and I just couldn't break his heart by not eating a piece. So I ate it and enjoyed it. That one piece of cake isn't going to make you gain all your weight back. However keeping everything you like off limits will make you fall off the wagon and not get back on. My best friend and I take our kids out to lunch once a week and then to the park or the lake. Am I going to stop? Heck no. I refuse to stop living my life, I just eat smaller portions and play a little harder at the park. Don't freak out over one waffle.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I should know better than to read the boards on a Sunday. You guys are joking, right? What are the calories in a waffle? Eighty to 150? Is a "waffle" a code or something? There is positively NO excuse for such an infraction. The MFP police have you pegged now. Two choices -- hire the best attorney you can afford or look into the Witness Protection Program. Immediate, fast action is indicated.

    In the few months I have been on MFP I have made some wonderful, supportive friends all over the world. Some have just a few more pounds to lose, others 100+. We are all there for each other.

    I hope I haven't offended anyone by trying to be light about this. But MFP does work. If anyone really wants help, there are so many of us sincerely trying to assist.

    By the way, a waffle gets an A- rating for a recommended food for dieters.

    Like I said, Sunday posters are a little different. Good luck to all on your weight loss journey.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I should know better than to read the boards on a Sunday. You guys are joking, right? What are the calories in a waffle? Eighty to 150? Is a "waffle" a code or something? There is positively NO excuse for such an infraction. The MFP police have you pegged now. Two choices -- hire the best attorney you can afford or look into the Witness Protection Program. Immediate, fast action is indicated.

    In the few months I have been on MFP I have made some wonderful, supportive friends all over the world. Some have just a few more pounds to lose, others 100+. We are all there for each other.

    I hope I haven't offended anyone by trying to be light about this. But MFP does work. If anyone really wants help, there are so many of us sincerely trying to assist.

    By the way, a waffle gets an A- rating for a recommended food for dieters.

    Like I said, Sunday posters are a little different. Good luck to all on your weight loss journey.

    I think she's probably talking about a Belgian Waffle or restaurant style waffle which usually has around 320 calories. That's not including the butter and syrup that goes on it. In that context I can see why it's not exactly a dieters dream, but definitely not something to freak out over. lol
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ssshhhhh! :wink: Don't tell anyone, but I had A scone (think you call them biscuits in the US?) with jam AND cream at lunchtime. The odd treat wont kill you, just log it and try to stay within your cals :flowerforyou:

    Nope. A scone is a scone in the US, too. :-)

    One of my coworkers grew up in England and she brings us scones every once in a while. I'm not a fan, but I do live biscuits.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I should know better than to read the boards on a Sunday. You guys are joking, right? What are the calories in a waffle? Eighty to 150? Is a "waffle" a code or something? There is positively NO excuse for such an infraction. The MFP police have you pegged now. Two choices -- hire the best attorney you can afford or look into the Witness Protection Program. Immediate, fast action is indicated.

    In the few months I have been on MFP I have made some wonderful, supportive friends all over the world. Some have just a few more pounds to lose, others 100+. We are all there for each other.

    I hope I haven't offended anyone by trying to be light about this. But MFP does work. If anyone really wants help, there are so many of us sincerely trying to assist.

    By the way, a waffle gets an A- rating for a recommended food for dieters.

    Like I said, Sunday posters are a little different. Good luck to all on your weight loss journey.

    I'm not sure what prompted this reaction. Only the OP was upset about the waffle.

    And my assumption is if she ate a waffle out of the house, it was more than 150 calories. Who in this thread wasn't sincerely trying to help the OP?
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hey all,

    Went on a shopping spree with a friend and as a ritual ended up having a waffle (It was only irresistible).. What do I do now ??????? Run ??? Hide ??? What do I do :(:(

    How do you guys balance such slip outs ?

    It's a lifestyle change, you will slip up from time to time, just jump straight back into it afterwards. As long as the slip ups aren't everyday, personally I wouldn't worry about it. The memory of that waffle will be long gone in two days time x