Brave before pics! 5kg's to lose!

kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
Thought I'd be brave and post these up! I'm looking to lose around 5kg, (losing fat and building muscle). I have slender and toned arms and legs, it's just my problem middle area that's bugging me! My body fat is around 30-32%, I want to get this down to 22%. Advice/support very welcome! :) x





  • You are brave and I envy you ur top half ????
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    You are brave and I envy you ur top half ????

    Thank you! :)
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    What are you currently doing for exercise? And I agree your brave sharing your pictures so publicly.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I don't have many advices for you but I think we look similar! Just keep it going and you'll surely see results! :D
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    Well I read a few posts from people who wished they'd had better 'before' pics so thought I might as well take a few. I'm hoping it will make the end result look that bit more impressive I guess! :)

    Exercise wise, I'm currently running 5km-10km 2-3 times a week, always in 'race mode' trying to beat my previous time. I'm doing 5km in 27 minutes now, down from 38 minutes 6 months ago.

    I also do a 30 minute all over toning and stregthening HIIT class 1-3 times a week at lunch (depending on my work schedule) this includes planks, a variety of sit ups, press ups, cardio, pilates moves and some resistance stuff with 2kg weights.

    That is pretty much it and I work at a desk all day most days. I do try to walk as often as possible even if it's just the 2km to the supermarket and back for a few things.

    I'm thinking about varying and increasing my cardio, perhaps not always racing when I run and using the bike too so that I'm doing at least 30 minutes of something each day. I do really enjoy it, I think I just need more of a routine.
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't have many advices for you but I think we look similar! Just keep it going and you'll surely see results! :D

    Thanks for the support! :)
  • jenna40_2go
    jenna40_2go Posts: 101
    Your tummy looks like my tummy! I'm just not that brave to post pics. I am doing a ton of cardio because that's going to lose the fat. I am currently doing T25 and I love it! 25 min a day and the only equipment needed was a mat (I have hard wood floors). In just a week I lost almost 3lbs and an inch and a half on my waist! So excited! Find a workout that gets your heart rate up and that you like and start small don't over do. Listen to your body. I'm still following the modifier in the video and I'm still sweating like crazy. Following Shaun this early in the program would probably kill me lol. In also doing 1400 calories a day and trying not to eat back my calories to much. Yesterday was a bad day for me I went over even with exercise lol. Today is a new day though and I'm over the guilt. Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    when you lose your boobies can i have some?

    lol luckily when I was 10kg lighter and slimmer a few years ago, my bust size wasn't too different. I tend to hold all my extra weight in my belly so hopefully I'll keep those!! :)
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    Your tummy looks like my tummy! I'm just not that brave to post pics. I am doing a ton of cardio because that's going to lose the fat. I am currently doing T25 and I love it! 25 min a day and the only equipment needed was a mat (I have hard wood floors). In just a week I lost almost 3lbs and an inch and a half on my waist! So excited! Find a workout that gets your heart rate up and that you like and start small don't over do. Listen to your body. I'm still following the modifier in the video and I'm still sweating like crazy. Following Shaun this early in the program would probably kill me lol. In also doing 1400 calories a day and trying not to eat back my calories to much. Yesterday was a bad day for me I went over even with exercise lol. Today is a new day though and I'm over the guilt. Good luck and feel free to add me!

    Thanks alot. I think I do need to up my cardio so I'm at least doing 30 minutes 6 days a week. Thanks for the support :)
  • jenna40_2go
    jenna40_2go Posts: 101
    Your welcome we all need friends in the same boat to help us succeed. Just like misery loves company success loves friends to share it with!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Goodmorning guys!!! i found some great drinks to help lose weight ALL NATURAL!!! ITS AMAZING and you feel like a new person after a week and you have so much more energy! and they give out a free trial !! check it out guys...

    No. Just NO.

    It is against the TOS to try to sell your crap to people on the forums. So please take that elsewhere...
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    Goodmorning guys!!! i found some great drinks to help lose weight ALL NATURAL!!! ITS AMAZING and you feel like a new person after a week and you have so much more energy! and they give out a free trial !! check it out guys...

    No. Just NO.

    It is against the TOS to try to sell your crap to people on the forums. So please take that elsewhere...

    Thanks ;)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Goodmorning guys!!! i found some great drinks to help lose weight ALL NATURAL!!! ITS AMAZING and you feel like a new person after a week and you have so much more energy! and they give out a free trial !! check it out guys...

    No. Just NO.

    It is against the TOS to try to sell your crap to people on the forums. So please take that elsewhere...

    Thanks ;)

    You're welcome. She's posted that in several threads. Absolutely ridiculous. I hope she gets banned or kicked off.

    OP - You're looking great! Maybe one day I'll have your courage to post photos...
  • BarryJFisher
    BarryJFisher Posts: 2 Member
    Help me out with this. I 'm in England now and I'm trying to show my fiancé some awesome before and after photos of some of the members...but somehow I can't find them or photos have been "no image shown". What's happened. I'm bragging about what an awesome site this is and suddenly the photos are gone and she remains unimpressed. Did a moderation (?) so something to my account or am I just unable to use the site as designed. Let me know. We are not teen agers or young adult. We are mature grownup and hope this site is not dominated by young people. Let me know. Thanks. Barry
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    I just lost 20 lbs and my 34H bust is still there so don't worry. I think really busty girls just lose the back fat (like we miss that!) and maybe go down a band size but keep the cup size. Of course, everyone is different.

    The other thing about curvy girls is that the same hormones that lead to crazy curves mean that we have to work real hard to for muscle gain and lower BF. Still entirely possible so don't get discouraged. Your routine sounds good so I would try making sure one set (at least) for each exercise is low reps (about 6) but as high a weight as you can possibly manage. I'm 51 and have tried many routines over the years and for our body type (and probably all women) low weight and high reps isn't going to result in type of body re-composition.