Best way to increase protein intake? (open diary!)


I've recently started using MFP again to try and get back down to my goal weight.

I'm finding it hard to increase my protein and calorie intake whilst keeping my carbs low. I've found the most effective method weight loss for me is to keep carbs below 100 each day.

I'm considering using a protein powder, any advice?

My food diary is open (I've only been recording my food for the last 3 days)

Any help would be appreciated! :)


  • Beth_2686
    Beth_2686 Posts: 2
    I having been drinking Special K protein shakes and also have purchased special k protein bars. I just started these and so far they are helping me. I am still looking around for more solutions. I would think drinking regular protein shakes, as long as they don't have a lot of fats etc. they should be ok. Let me know if you find something that works, I can use all the help that I can get. Thanks Beth
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Meats, fish, cheese, eggs, Greek yogurt... (your diary is closed)
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    My fave protein powder is Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Natural. No artificial sweetener, so probably not the lowest carbs, but it fits into my eating plan. I used to get the regular ON w/artificial sweetener when that was the only option. Strawberry is my fave, chocolate is okay, haven't tried vanilla. Other than that the biggest protein bang for you buck for me is the 100 calorie beef jerky packs. For some reason when I get the large packages the beef jerky is hard and dry, but the small ones are tasty. My diary is open if you want to check it out.
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    Eggs! Eat more eggs in any way =) Eggs are awesome!
  • Another vote for Optimum Gold Standard Whey. It's one of the best powders out there and the vanilla and chocolate flavors are both great.

    However, I highly suggest trying to get more lean meat in your diet before you supplement with whey. I usually eat two full (~7oz) chicken breasts each day, one for lunch and one for dinner. That's one of the best low-calorie sources of lean protein and you can cook it so many ways. Shrimp is another great low-calorie source of lean protein. Salmon, mackerel and other oily fish is going to be another good source of protein and if you have a 6oz portion once a week you will get your full dose of omega 3 healthy fat for the whole week.

    Beyond that, there are some snacks that also work great and have lots of protein. Cottage cheese (I prefer full 4% milkfat because it has less sugar and other junk and tastes better) is great and you can mix things in like sriracha or cinnamon to keep it interesting. Give cottage cheese another shot if you're used to the fat free version because the full fat version takes 100x better and gives you some good healthy fats without the carbs.

    You might also try to find Kay's Naturals Protein Snacks - they come in a variety of flavors and most of them are about 120 calories with 10-12g protein and they taste great for a crunchy afternoon snack. Quest Bars are also great and you can get several flavors at 160 calories / 20g protein.

    If you are craving some pizza, try the Vitalicious Vita PIzzas. They come in cheese and tomato or meatless pepperoni supreme and they will satisfy your pizza cravings quite well while also giving you some protein.

    Don't forget egg whites! You can make scrambled eggs with more whites than yolks (try 5 whites and 1 yoke) and it will still taste great but you'll get a lot more protein and less fat and sodium.
  • vms4evr
    vms4evr Posts: 106 Member
    Cleanest and my favorite brand is Dymatize. Their IS0-100 is about the cleanest I've seen.
    Their Fusion 7 is also pretty clean and comes in some cool flavors I really like.

    Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey ( a bit cleaner than their Gold Standard, but either is good).

    You can't really go wrong with either company.

    Get rid of the Special-K one, too much fats and carbs. Try the IS0-100.
  • fiona9999
    fiona9999 Posts: 9
    Oh my mistake, it's public now!
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    A good idea is to just base every meal around protein source, i.e. breakfast = eggs. Lunch = chicken Dinner = fish. It also helps if you cook or make your own meals rather than buying pre-packed ones. You can then control the portion sizes and protein content. Do you weigh your food? I aim to consume 1g of protein per pound of my bodyweight, so about 125g per day - its pretty easy to hit this target, I eat eggs, fish, dairy, tofu, quorn, pulses whey protein shakes and bars mainly.
  • LloydSev
    LloydSev Posts: 41 Member
    Buy shredded tuna or chicken in the cans at your local walmart, drain the water from it, then mash it up using a fork or other utensil. Once done, mix it with mustard or some other low calories sauce (if you want), then eat it on a low carb starch.

    I used to mix it with light mayo, and as long as you don't add too much this may be viable for you too.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Best way to increase protein..........start eating. I looked at the last three days of your diet. 2 of those days you are only getting around 700 cals. Greek yogurt, cottage cheese are a good start. I see you eat eggs, but no meat. Your goals is only 60 grams of protein, you could easily get that with adding the cottage cheese and greek yogurt.
  • thecrushinator
    thecrushinator Posts: 76 Member
    EAT MEAT. Alot of it. Your fat intake will go up too, but the protein you'll get will outweigh that. Lean meats like organic chicken, and wild caught salmon and trout.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Buy shredded tuna or chicken in the cans at your local walmart, drain the water from it, then mash it up using a fork or other utensil. Once done, mix it with mustard or some other low calories sauce (if you want), then eat it on a low carb starch.

    I used to mix it with light mayo, and as long as you don't add too much this may be viable for you too.

    They have shredded chicken in the cans?
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    I've said this before and I'll say it again.

    Dry split peas have the same amount of protein per weight (25 g per 100g) as chicken, and they have a HUGE amount of fiber - also 25 grams per 100g! This is a good ingredient to work into your dishes - casserole, soup, salad, mashed potatoes... Cooking them is easy – just let them simmer for 45-60 minutes. Can't go wrong.

    And peas are so cheap.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I found the advice in this thread rather helpful

    ETA: For me personally the major sources of protein in my "diet" (besides ONI shakes) are:

    Chicken....LOTS of Chicken, Beef, Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt, Nuts (Almonds, Pistachios mostly), Eggs (LOTS of Eggs), & Mozz Cheese. I do eat beans and have milk/ice cream and other products with a few grams of protein here or there, but the main sources are from above. My goal is 200g+ a day (I am currently 215lbs) and I can hit it fairly easily unless I decide to carb up and eat donuts, pizza and french fries that day, in which case I barely get to 100 and have 400 grams of carbs instead.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    lol...... why ask this question when you can't even exceed 700 calories?

    Starving yourself won't help in weight loss.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'll that to put that a bit more politely.

    To meet your protein goal you need to be hitting your calorie goal.

    If you're trying to keep the carbs low as well, then have a look and see where the big carb elements are and replace those (the sweetened yoghurts, go-ahead bars, granola etc). Replace them with something that has more protein (cheese, ham, roast soy beans, almonds)
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    Lean Meat like chicken breast and Turkey.
    A can of tuna is something really handy with a good amount of Protein (around 30g) Make sure it is on Water or Brine.
    Greek Yoghourt, Cottage Cheese, I save my days with Quark ( a cheese that is similar in consistency to Greek Yoghourt, but it is virtually fat free and low in Carbs. Around 30g of protein per 250g pot).
    Definitely Protein Powder, Isolate Whey Powder is a really good source virtually fat free and carb free.
    In my opinion, you should double your protein intake. Check around other people's diary to get more ideas on how to make better choices.
  • Hi Fiona, I had a look at your diary and I've been watching my weight ( have always fluctuated up and down 15 pounds though out my life) since I was about 17 ( I am 37 now). So, I know enough about how to eat healthy, and getting enough calories and having a balanced diet and how to loose weight to advise you.
    First thing is 700 cals is way too low. Your body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down. This means you will not lose weight, because your body will think that theres a famine and it will hang onto all the fat it can! MFP recommends the the number of calories you should eat for your weight and activity level. It really works
    Secondly, you are eating mainly processed food, which can be loaded with hidden empty calories, such as sugar and also fluid retaining salt/sodium.
    I eat what I want, and if I know I am going out for a drink or a meal, I exercise. Have a look at my diary here. This is about an average day for me, but you will see that most of my diet comes from homemade ingredients. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Porridge ( slow releasing energy) for breakfast. Rice is ok but sweet potatoes are great carbs that will fill you for longer and give you tons of vitamins too. MFP also tells you what vitamins you are receiving in the reports. You will not only lose weight this way, but you will also feel more energised, and your skin and hair will be better, and you won't get hyperglycaemic ( low sugar levels), which can cause us to binge.
    In other words, you will find it very difficult to maintain the diet you are on for long, and you will eventually get sick of it and the weight that you might lose will probably go back on when you go back to eating normally again.
    I hope this helps and the very best of luck. Let me know if the link works!!!
  • I have just made my diary public. That link I sent you, I realised I ate a lot of chocolate that day! I do love chocolate and try to stick to dark, but I went a bit over my quota that day and wouldn't recommend you do that everyday! But it is ok to have what you need, as long as you are getting your protein and vitamins in. So have a look though my other diaries. You will even see I went WAAAYYY over one day, and I still lost weight. I am down 5 pounds in 1 month and am always full, and feeling healthy and don't fell deprived of anything! Life is too short, so enjoy it and your food and stay healthy
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    To get protein you need to eat some real food. I don't see any real meals in your diary.