Getting married... need motivation!

Hello everyone! My name is Shannon and I'm trying to get my weight down to 125 by my wedding next June. Right now I'm at 180 and really struggling with my appetite. I'm starving ALL of the time. :frown: I've been going with the myfitnesspal recommendation of 1,200 calories a day, but I keep going over by a couple hundred because I'm so hungry. Anyone have some low-cal ideas for something salty and something sweet that will fill me up!?:flowerforyou:



  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    for salty i eat pringles baked wheat stix, they are 90 calories and i love them!!! for something more sweet i go with 90 calorie rice krispie squares!! so good :)
  • jchecks
    jchecks Posts: 133
    First off...CONGRATS!!! I got married this past June and 125 is what I weighed in at on the day before and I have to tell you...I felt AMAZING on the big day!!!
    My first question to you would be ... are you exercising? If not...definitely start doing something active once a day for at least 30 minutes...and then you can build from there. Even if it is a brisk walk at lunch time...but that gives you exercise calories to eat and it makes that 1200 look a little bigger...and your toning at the same time!!

    I would just listen to your body...if you're should definitely eat...but in veggies, fruit, handful of nuts...and with the exercise in'll totally see the benefits!!!

    You can totally do it! Enjoy every second of your goes by very fast!!!!

    (ps...I dont know what you do for work...but I work at an insurance company...and i taped up little pictures of wedding dresses on the outside of my computer screen for motivation!!)
  • rokikio
    rokikio Posts: 92
    Quaker Rice Cakes are good and I like the sugar free pudding cups, sugar free Jello, or Skinny Cow Ice creams when I have a sweet tooth. You can also search for the 100 calorie snack packs of your favorite items. They have low fat pringles that come in a 100 calorie pack, or cookies. Those help me because than I know what one portion is instead of having a big box of them around. Good Luck on your weight loss!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I gt this suggestion here... Take fat free Greek plain yogurt (oikos or another) and mix in Ranch dip mix (hidden valley). You can dip light chips, or pita chips or lentil chips or veggies. It gives that savory relief.

    Sweet - I use vita top muffins. Jello. And today I had tcby yogurt.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    MMM... these all sound like great suggestions. I'll have to swing by the grocery store and pick a few of them up.

    I do workout. I go 4-6 days a week, usually doing a half hour of cardio and half hour of weights. Most of the time I do it interval style, otherwise I get bored, but I try to switch it up with different machines so I stay interested and my body doesn't plateau.

    On weekends, sometimes I take a step aerobics class, just to hit the cardio a litte more hard-core.

    I sit a lot during the day as a teacher, but I do have a fridge and microwave nearby, so that's helpful for stocking healthy snacks. I try not to eat in front of the kids though... I feel mean not sharing!;-)

  • Joeysgirl
    For salty, I grab like 6 Reduced Fat Triscuits - they are whole grain :) Also, raw almonds, walnuts, etc. String Cheese, 2 pieces of jennie O's turkey bacon

    Sweet - always tons of fruit kinds, Luna Bars, Clif Kids Z Bars (my absolute fav!), Also, Mountain High plain yoghurt with frozen berries and vanilla protein powder mixed in.. can even add walnuts or fiber one cereal.
  • maj47
    maj47 Posts: 1
    New to the site, but I'll throw in a few ideas. Stay away from processed food it just makes you more hungry sooner. Stick to the outside of the grocery store. I know this sounds odd, but I start my day with a baked sweet potato with cinnamon on it. It keeps me going until snack time which is always nuts. Eat them often and you'll learn to love them. A few takes away hunger pains. I stock my purse with them in the small packs. The picture thing is a fantastic idea! Pictures of dress, honeymoon spot, etc...You can do it girl!
  • sunshinel397
    Congrats on the wedding! I am in the same boat. Need to lose roughly 65-70 pounds by the end of May for my big day.
    If you can fit exercise in, it is okay to go over by afew hundred calories. Also, I try to eat fruit with a lot of fiber or popcorn for a snack because it keeps me full! Good luck lady!
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    I don't know if this is going to help with motivation, but here it goes....

    I was 168 lbs on my wedding day. I thought I looked great and now I won't even look at my album. It makes me cry just to look at my pictures. I looked huge in my gown! So sad to know that I can never look at those pictures with a smile on my face ever again!

    So with that in mind, do what ever you have to do to reach your goal. Be smart and heathy about it. If I could go back in time and know how I was going to feel about it now, I would have probably ducted taped my mouth shut 3 months before my wedding!:laugh:

    Good luck and congrates!:flowerforyou:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    First of all.....congratulations!! I got married June of last year and I wish I would have found MFP before then. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is log everything. Even if you're having a bad day, this will help you to really see what you're putting into your body. I haven't been able to find a healthy salty snack but for sweet I love Nabisco 100 Calorie Dipped Delight Bar. The Nutter Butter one tastes like pure peanut butter.

    As far as motivation, think of your wedding photos. I was not at my heaviest when I got married, but I wasn't too far away from it either. Now I have wedding photos covering my living room walls and every time I walk past them all I can think is, "Ugh, I was so fat!!".
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I guess a lot of you know what I am talking about. I'm just that type of Type A person who would look at all of her flaws in those wedding photos, rather than the joy that will be on both of our faces. That's why I really want to drop as much weight as I can, but in the healthiest way I can.

    I've got to get rid of the Pop Tarts I just bought for breakfast, though. They taste great, but they're too high in calories at 410 for two, plus I'm sure there is no nutritional value. I was getting sick of the Nutri-grain bars, so I switched over to them since they were easy to grab on the go. Anyone have another easy to grab breakfast that doesn't involve cooking? I like to keep items in my desk at school (I'm a teacher).

  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Fiber One bars are great and they're only 90 calories.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    My wedding has been pushed off for the last 2 years because I was over 165 lbs. We are getting married no matter what next March (even if it means dressing nice & going to the court house!), but the fact is, I didn't want to get married looking like I did. Check out my profile, I've had a lot of "downs" and almost let it all "weigh" down on me :laugh: Last year (December) I made a promise to myself, since the way I look at it, if I break a promise to myself, that is seriously low! I promised myself that I would wake up early every work-day morning to work out for at least 45-50 mins at a time: on my off day (every other Friday), I still wake up to exercise but push it out at least 90 mins. I promised I would work out at least 5-6x p/wk: I average 6x p/wk, usually all 7, though (I mix up my routines, every day between cardio, calisthenics, tai-chi, kickboxing, walking, etc.): and although the first few months nothing happened, now I am smaller than I have been in 3 years. The trick is not always "what" you eat or how much: but how you get your metabolism up. I eat, alot, and am over my calories pretty much ever day. The thing is, I'm not on a miracle diet; I just exercise. I want to keep this up in 5 years time: that means can I stick to 1200 calories a day? HELL NO! I am going to eat: I enjoy eating when I am hungry. But if I exercise and keep it up, I can lose weight, naturally and in a healthy manner and keep it off. Yes, I weigh out my foods to make sure I'm logging my calories correctly, but if we're out and I can do that, oh well - tomorrow is another day & my body needed a "shock".
    Granted, I've only lost 17lbs in the last 11 months, but when clothes that fit me when I was 10lbs thinner are too big, I'm thinking I did this right :happy: I've been called "skinny" by guys I work with in the last month, and that is a GREAT feeling (these are guys that are very picky about who they call skinny)
    If you do this the right way, the way your body needs, still log EVERYTHING you eat or drink or chew (that means that 5-cal gum), you will achieve your goals :flowerforyou: