Frustrated. Not losing anything. Is it the wine?



  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Damn, looks like I have a problem too!

    7 light beers
    1 screwdriver
    32 oz wine


    I had a log like that this week.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Just a thought, if you consume that much on a regular basis, you may be retaining fluids. Someone I know had a drinking problem and ended up in the hospital having to get it drained. He was drinking about that amount. (may have been a tad bit more). Some people can get away with drinking that much without ill effect, and some just can't.

    I'm not against drinking and it's entirely your business. I would just hate to see you get hurt.
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    It very well could be the wine. My husband and I were killing a bottle (or two) a night and have since cut it down to the weekends (Friday/Saturday) and maybe once during the week if it's been a particularly hellacious week or we decide to go out to dinner. Since cutting down my wine consumption my weight has been pretty steady and doesn't fluctuate the way it did. Not only that but I no longer have a "belly" like I did when I was drinking the wine.

    Yes, the calories fit into my daily consumption (for the most part) but it still had a very negative impact on my body.

    Cut down for a few weeks or even a month and you will see a marked difference.
  • lalamoose64
    lalamoose64 Posts: 23 Member
    I had a similar scenario. Went without wine for 6 weeks! (dietitian made me) I have gotten 10lb off and added 1-2 glasses on the weekend. (3-4 oz glasses). To lose weight I keep 300 cal I have burned in a daily bank. So If I burn 500 cal for the day I only add back 200 to MFP daily goal. Now on maintain and have wine 2 x week. In the past I drank 4-5 nights a week sharing a bottle with husband or friends. Now a bottle will last 2-3 days. I drink a fizzy water in a wine glass when I cook in the evenings. On weekends I drink water between each glass. My family can't believe that I can be designated driver! The first weekend is the hardest to go wine-less! The excitement comes when the scale begins to drift downward.
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Damn, looks like I have a problem too!

    7 light beers
    1 screwdriver
    32 oz wine


    I had a log like that this week.

    I had a few worse weeks than that.
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Ok so I researched proper wine allotments per week. A glass is 5 oz. You are allowed one per day. You will have benefits at 1-2 glasses a day health-wise but after that, it goes downhill.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    That sounds like the makings of a drinking problem...
  • belindaj25
    belindaj25 Posts: 1
    I'm in the exact same position, been working out a year, no weight loss. Of course I have not been diligent about changing my eating habits, until today when I started boot camp. a couple of months ago I gave up wine for the week and lost 4 lbs in that week just from the wine elimination. Will be incorporating that strategy again.
  • lisavgagne
    lisavgagne Posts: 28 Member
    This is exactly my weak point too. Every time I have lost weight, it has been when I eat correctly and cut out the wine. Heck, even when I was pregnant I lost weight just from the good diet and cutting alcohol (starting weight when pregnant: 150, weight as I left the hospital w/ the baby: 139 - it was awesome).

    I just started MFP and really watching my diet again and have easily dropped four pounds w/o it. It's all about making sure you are precise with your calorie banking. And I know from experience, it's so easy to overpour yourself a 1/2 oz or ounce of wine when you are eyeballing it and just shrugging it off as, it can't be much. Get out your liquid measuring cup and make sure you know how much you are drinking.

    I must add - I love champagne too and when really being restrictive w/ liquor tend to be more a champagne drinker. I will splurge on the more expensive - like a Veuve and strech the bottle over a few days. Champagne calories are not as high as wine b/c the glass and serving is generally smaller, however it's a mental trick that works for me.