I need your SOLID ADVICE



  • PhotographerOfNature
    I know this is a touchy subject and I'm not a supporter of diet pills however, I know where you are coming from. It gets really old doing what you are supposed to be doing and seeing no results. I did the HCG program for 1 month and loved it! Still love it and have been done since the 18th of September. Another controvercial subject, not encouraging debate on it here. What about checking prices at different pharmacies like others have suggested on the dr. prescribed medicine and only filling 1/2 of the bottle to see if you can take it and if it works. I hate filling the whole bottle and then not being able to take it and have a whole bottle of pills in my cabinet. At least this way, its a lot cheaper too. If it works then you can decide to go back and get the other 1/2. Eat less and move more are the 2 things that work long term though. This medicine has to be hand-in-hand with them for long term success. Good luck!
  • foxsmommy
    foxsmommy Posts: 40 Member
    well the weight i need to lose is 90 pounds I exercise 2 hrs a day 1 hr cardio/strength training (turbo jam) and 1 hr on my treadmill. I watch what i eat and the birth control i was on was called an implanon implant i had it in my arm for 3 years. the last time my doctor took my blood and my hormone levels they were off the charts and she said it wasnt healthy for me to keep going on such a strong hormone. as for my thyroid. I do not have Hyperthyroidism, I have a 4 inch mass on my rt thyroid that makes functionallity a little rough but is too risky to remove where it is at, thats why she doesnt want to put me on meds until she thinks my level pose a problem to my overall health. she is not Telling my to go out and buy diet pills but I have reached a point where I have not lost more than 10 pounds in 3 years of beign really strict about my workout and diet so YES I think that I have reached a last resort.
    Thanks again for all your comments.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Maybe you should chill out on your exercising and revisit your menu planning.
    Personally, I like everything in moderation including exercise.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    How many calories do you usually eat in a day with all that exercise?
  • diehard
    To heck with drugs. It comes down to common sense. Lots of fruits and veggies, and exercise daily. You don't have to work out like crazy to boost your metabolism. Just watch what goes in the pie hole, and take frequent walks. Use the stairs and not the elevator. Hugs are better than drugs.. Just keep it simple, and don't be in a hurry. :smile: :smile:
  • foxsmommy
    foxsmommy Posts: 40 Member
    i dont think wanting to lose more than 10pounds in 3 years is being in a hurry.