People you are close to giving you a hard time about diet



  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    1. Between my friends and family, I hear so much about dieting, that portion control isn't even a blip on anyone's radar...

    2. I ignore people who nag me, until the proverbial kettle boils over and they get to apologize in tears :devil:
  • missemmamm
    missemmamm Posts: 15 Member
    People are mean in general. Plus sometimes they are jealous. There's also the fact that people often expect everyone to fit in and be the same. I get hassled sometimes since I've been (mostly) vigilantly watching what I eat this year.

    A few years ago I was vegan for probably less than a year. I did feel healthier but it wasn't for me long term. I didn't lecture anyone or even mention it unless I cooked something and someone asked why there wasn't meat in it. I still got hassled by people occasionally though.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Crap. Not only do I now need to name my quads, Thor and Hercules are taken.

    Lol, how about "watermelon" and "crusher". If I knew how to post a Gif I would totally post that one of the guy crushing a watermelon between his thighs
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    I'm honestly confused every time this subject comes up.

    I don't understand how this is allowed to continue on endlessly in a person's life.

    There are two ways- either sacrastic- or incredibly direct/blunt and rude or a combination of those things.

    "I'm sorry- I didn't know my gastrointensitanl system was so important to you- I'll have a full write up on my *kitten* that I plan to be taking at 3 PM this afternoon- I'll have it on your desk by 8 AM tomorrow morning"

    "When I want to look like you- I'll keep eating like you"


    "I'm sorry- what buisness is it to you what food I put in my mouth again?"

    "I'm sorry- (not sorry) how is this important to you?"

    " Good to know you're life is so damn dull you have nothing to do but annoy me about my life. You'll be glad to know you- you rate so low on my G.A.F meter that I don't think of you at all - except maybe when I'm enjoying my dead lifts- or hiking or mountain climbing- and having such a great time that I feel really bad for you because you are trapped at home with your boring life"

    " what is the point of these comments again? you can explain to me? did you get a degree in nutrician? become a doctor? or just read the latest garbage that the Huffington Post threw out yesterday?"

    "remind me again how much your dead lift is"

    " remind me again what you named your quads??? because mine are Thor and Hercules- they can squat you're body"

    Can't stand such rubbish- stand up for yourself- who CARES WHAT YOU EAT.

    I agree! I feel bad for people that go through this, I really do. Making personal choices to better yourself, and then constantly having to explain and defend yourself. F@ck that!!

    In my case, my family and friends know better, and leave me to my own devices bahahahaha!
  • gothomson
    gothomson Posts: 215 Member
    Pretty much a combo of all the above advice. Plus I read recently that the Buddha once said "when someone insults you it's like they are offering you a gift, you can choose to accept the gift or to reject it". I'm no Buddhist and I’m not religious but I recognise good advice when I see it.

    Having said that don’t let people get away with it. Tell them what you think in an honest open way, if they have any feelings for you they’ll listen and stop, if they say “I’m just teasing stop being so sensitive”, I’d say you’re not being sensitive, if you were they would have heard from you about it ages ago, but you have a right to ask people to stop hurting you. If the person absolutely, will not, stop? Dump them; I did that with my older brother after I tried for years to get him to see my view about his behaviour. We haven’t spoken in 8 years and it’s the best decision I ever made. You have a right to be respected, if someone can’t even give you that basic level of civility – family member or not – they don’t deserve to be in your life.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Crap. Not only do I now need to name my quads, Thor and Hercules are taken.

    Zues is still free. you can take that. ;)

    I'm thinking about it being Thor and Xena- that way they can be super sexy together when they touch- since clearly they aren't separated by a thigh gap.
  • flabbybunker
    flabbybunker Posts: 57 Member
    I simply tell them that I ahve more energy now, Im happier, and I lost 25 pounds doing what Im doing . They see the results and dont say a word afterwards
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    In my opinion, this is bothering you due to lack of confidence in yourself and in your weight loss plans. You should say what you said in your post to them and be confident about it. People often fear what they don't understand and will poke fun. At the end of the day though it's your weight loss that is important and anyone worth keeping around will understand that.
  • jcallejabjj
    jcallejabjj Posts: 33

    When they see you with your shirt off and their jaw drops. Then they want to do what you're doing.
  • algwynt
    algwynt Posts: 76 Member
    time to get a thick skin they will never stop they are just ignorant.stop worrying about what they say or think and put them straight tell them to back off you bunch of strong for you.great post by the way.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    thanks for all of the posts! :) It definitely gets discouraging, and yeah my grandma makes comments to me as well, and I can't really say anything back, but it just eats under my skin when people make comments and then when I say something back they're like, "we just do it because we know it pisses you off." WELL THAT'S A REASON TO KEEP DOING IT THANKS

    And there's your answer. Ignore them. Act like you're deaf if you have to, and they'll quit when they realize they can't get a reaction out of you. Expect a short term escalation - they'll get more outrageous for a while trying to goad you into doing or saying something in response.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    time to get a thick skin they will never stop they are just ignorant.stop worrying about what they say or think

    This. It's a pretty common thing in my life. Not so much with food, but with fitness.

    "You need to take time off and relax"
    "Why do you run so much?"
    "I don't get how running that much is enjoyable"
    "Doesn't that hurt?"
    "Aren't you tired?"
    "You don't eat enough"
    "You need to eat more of this or that"
    "If you took more time off, you'd get better at running"
    "Why do you out yourself through that?"
    "It's unhealthy how much you run"

    Comments are comments. Questions are questions.

    Those people who say "oh she doesn't eat that, it has calories in it" are likely just teasing you, and they Probsbly think you are super cool with a TON of will power!

    Don't let it get to you.
  • laurajane19901
    I can't win.

    When I was big my family made fun of me and shamed me fore eating so much. Now I'm smaller they say I should just stop watching what I eat, stop over-thinking, eat what I want etc. I don't think they realise that for me, if I stop caring I will just pile it all back on again.

    Only person I really listen to is friends that have the same attitude to health and fitness as I do and my partner because he actually knows what he's talking about.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    thanks for all of the posts! :) It definitely gets discouraging, and yeah my grandma makes comments to me as well, and I can't really say anything back, but it just eats under my skin when people make comments and then when I say something back they're like, "we just do it because we know it pisses you off." WELL THAT'S A REASON TO KEEP DOING IT THANKS

    I don't know if your grandma is like mine? But for my grandma, preparing food for people is something that she loves. Seeing people enjoy and eat her food makes her happy. And grandmas are old school. My grandma doesn't ask me to eat more, she just puts more food on my plate and says eat Which I definitely don't mind because her cooking is the best! But to her that is what a man is supposed to do which is come back for seconds and thirds and I have to agree.

    I have had to deal with the same kind of stuff and when I am bulking which is pretty much all the time, i eat more than everybody I know so I am the one making the comments now. I laugh at their little bowls of ice cream or their little plates of food. Hey, they wanted it and now they got it!

    If its grandma saying it then it is one thing. i would never turn down her food anyways. But if its other family and friends ect..just tell them to eff off
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    time to get a thick skin they will never stop they are just ignorant.stop worrying about what they say or think

    This. It's a pretty common thing in my life. Not so much with food, but with fitness.

    "You need to take time off and relax"
    "Why do you run so much?"
    "I don't get how running that much is enjoyable"
    "Doesn't that hurt?"
    "Aren't you tired?"
    "You don't eat enough"
    "You need to eat more of this or that"
    "If you took more time off, you'd get better at running"
    "Why do you out yourself through that?"
    "It's unhealthy how much you run"

    Comments are comments. Questions are questions.

    Those people who say "oh she doesn't eat that, it has calories in it" are likely just teasing you, and they Probsbly think you are super cool with a TON of will power!

    Don't let it get to you.

    You know what I say to people when they make comments about my training or if I am growing some kind of scary viking beard. I tell them I do it because I am a filthy animal which is exactly what I am
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    My husband is incredibly supportive. Usually. Yesterday I made a comment about wanting to 'eat all the things', and he asked me if I was starving my body. Doh! So we had a conversation about me trying to get healthy - and that getting healthy and ensuring you eat healthy foods mostly is NOT an eating disorder. Lol!

    And BTW, LOL re: the gifs.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    What do you guys do when people you are close to, such as family, make fun of what you eat?

    I find that people do this or take issue with my making time for workouts because they lack the discipline to do it themselves, so it is almost like they are trying to put me down. Can't count the times I have heard...

    "Must be nice to have the time," or
    "You're lucky you can _______."

    It is annoying, really.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I lift up my shirt and show them what all that hard work is doing to my body. Then I smile smugly and walk away.
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    I can't win with my family. If I watch what I eat around them, they tease me for "eating like a bird", and go on and on about how miserable it seems to have to watch everything I eat. (Oh, and I'm also "insane" for exercising regularly). So last time my mom visited, I threw caution out the window and ate whatever I wanted (what she was eating) for a few days, figuring I'd make it up after she left. Then I got the "I wish I could eat like you and still be skinny!"

    I am the only one in my family not overweight. Could it be because I watch what I eat?
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    My mom called me gross for eating my alfredo with zucchini instead of pasta. It was actually good.