Am I doing enough?

I have recently changed my exercise routine and I am wondering if what I am doing is enough. I am already slim, I'm 171cm and 52kgs so I don't exercise to lose weight I do it to be healthy and to maintain my current weight. I used to do 3-4 intense cardio/weight work outs each week but I found my body got to a point and didn't get any better from there and also I became so bored with it and really hated it and also found that I couldn't commit to it with full time work (lazy I know.)

So recently I changed my routine, I now do platies once a week, yoga once a week and an intense weight work out once a week. Every second week I also do a spin class as well as the above. What I am wondering is, is this enough? I eat very well, my only indulgence is alcohol on the weekends (more than I should) I absolutely love the routine I have now, yoga and Pilates have already been so beneficial to posture and so on and I can see my arms becoming more toned and it's even been great for mental wellness. I just wanted to know if people think this is enough for someone of my size who just wants to stay this size, get a little more toned and be healthy?



  • nicoleisback
    nicoleisback Posts: 184
    I think it depends on what incidental exercise you get in addition to this. Do you work at a desk job and drive everywhere, or are you active day to day and walk/ride locally?
    I personally think any exercise you do is great, but as for maintaining your size and toning I would suggest adding in more weight bearing exercises.
  • tegandunne
    tegandunne Posts: 2
    Thanks for the reply :) I have a desk job so 8:30-5:30 I'm at my desk but I walk to and from the station from home and to work but that's probably only 15 minutes of walking a day. Would you suggest adding in one more day of weights? I don't do any cardio because I hate it (besides the spin class once a fortnight) but my weight work out really gets my heart rate up and a sweat a lot. I guess I am just trying to find a routine that I'll stick to because when I make one that is too much or too boring I stop doing it and end up doing nothing!
  • ronitperman
    ronitperman Posts: 25
    It is necessary to maintain your regular exercise routine if you are not able to maintain daily routine it will not show you the perfect results which you expect. Regular exercise and a proper diet always very helpful for a fit and healthy body.