
Okay, I was doing fine-eating my normal foods with a few healthier selections-stayed wayyy under my calorie allotment, felt fine & lost 5 lbs in the 1st week. I was told that I'm not eating enough-made the neccessary adjustments-started eating more, adding snacks coming closer to my calories, and.....GAINED 3 LBS BACK! I realize from reading other posts that the first 5 lbs were probably water weight, (although I never retain water not even during pregnancies), but now I'm afraid to continue eating more-I feel like I'm going against my goal, not towards it! Please talk me down people.......Keep in mind, I didn't do that well over the weekend & am getting back on track!


  • sharonuk10
    At first your body will retain those extra calories because you were not eating enough before and it wants to hold onto the extra in case you decide not to eat enough again. Give it at least 2 weeks if not 4 before thinking of dropping your calories.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Keep your eye on the prize. It's about eating enough (not too much, not too little) every day for the rest of your life. Don't let one week throw you off. Put it into the context of forever. It's just one week. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • amccabe110
    amccabe110 Posts: 29 Member
    Okay-that's just what I needed to hear! I'll keep at it-thanks!