SBF 2, Reboot Boogaloo, Oct 18

October 18 and ragweed is still high. :grumble: I was at a friend's house last night - she had the windows open earlier in the day and I couldn't stop coughing at her house. I told Charlie that next year I'm going out with the large clippers and cutting it down - maybe I'll keep them in my car and if I see ragweed, I'll trim it.

B: shredded wheat, peaches, skim milk, sugar, two double espressos with skim milk
L: salad (carrots, lettuce, celery, croutons, and cheese), english muffin with butter
S: almonds, fudge with PB
D: pizza!
ex: hour walk

today: yoga + more walking as dang ragweed is keeping me off my bike.
CP: the two poses that are supposed to be good for Plantar are down dog (keep the focus on stretching out the arches) and baddha konasana (butterfly stretch - keep the focus on pressing the heels and balls of the feet together) - for what it's worth.

Ready for rain, boogaloo.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Another ambitious week of goals. They are as follows:

    1. No sugar until next Sunday. (had one store bought cupcake yesterday, tried to eat another and couldn't because it was too sweet. The ones I made actually were better when they were cool, and are guilt free, even though the almond flour makes them high in calories they also have actual nutrients in them)

    2. Workout six days: dance or Zumba on M, W, Sat, Sun, doubles of spin/stretchy class or yoga on T and Th, meet with my trainer on Friday. (if she ends up not able to meet on Friday, it will be a day off. If we actually meet up, Sat. will be a day off)

    3. Track my food, stay in the neighbourhood of my calorie goal.

    4. project work every day.

    5. Scheduled "down time" every day. (I'm aiming for two hours a day with no scheduled activities. This has been guilt-ridden, and I need to aim for it)

    Oof. That's enough.

    Goooooooooaaaaaaaaaaals, boogaloo.:flowerforyou: (that's a soccer announcer voice, btw.:wink: )
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    psssttt...hey, Mary

    Can you recommend poses to help with my shoulders, which have (when I wasn't looking) rotated forward? I seem to be folding in half from all this desk work...the only one I can think of is camel, and I'd look to put together a little mini at home series (like 10-15 minutes) to help counteract this. Thanks!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I didn't haven't a good weekend, eating or exercise wise. We were busy and had to eat what was there. Thankfully I am realizing that I can't eat as much as I used to and I don't want to. Yesterday we changed out a fuel pump which took HOURS! It was a pain, literally. I didn't do much of the work. I am more a supervisor now. :laugh: My poor hubby is sore all over today. But it paid enough to get us caught up on our budget so it was worth it!
    I was sleeping so good last night but Steve was not. I finally asked him what was up and he said the rat trap went off in the storage room (found more poo yesterday). He was mad about it and creeped out so he couldn't sleep. Well, then I was frustrated that there's still rats in the house, so then I couldn't sleep. He checked the trap this morning and it hadn't even gone off! :grumble: He imagined or something. So it's his fault we are tired today. :tongue: I'm probably also groggy because I had a little wheat yesterday. But I don't feel horrible. Even though I had just a little, I noticed an hour later I was getting that lethargic sleepy feeling. I don't like this. It's not fair.
    I miss working out regularly. I have been getting a little exercise almost everyday but it's not a good work out. I thought about going roller blading again today but I think I will just work out at home because I have other stuff I need to get done too.
    I have come to the realization that Alex hates coloring. Most of kindergarten school work is coloring. I'm going to have to get creative which requires more brain work.
    So goals this week: log food (been slacking), drink water (slacking), exercise everyday, and whatever else this week holds after tomorrow!
    Tomorrow is almost here boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Powerful motivator, fresh bread is, I just rode my bike to the bakery :bigsmile:
    psssttt...hey, Mary

    Can you recommend poses to help with my shoulders, which have (when I wasn't looking) rotated forward? I seem to be folding in half from all this desk work...the only one I can think of is camel, and I'd look to put together a little mini at home series (like 10-15 minutes) to help counteract this. Thanks!

    Funny you should ask, my next video will be shoulders and hips and I need to start working on the sequence. Here is the order I would do - you can check out yoga journal's web site for pictures:

    Lie over a block - one of my favs - the top part of the block hits the bottom shoulderblades - head should rest on something

    Favorite sitting pose - with arms in:
    interlock fingers, turn palms away from you, bring over your head
    interlock fingers, other finger on top, repeat above
    Eagle pose arms
    Cow faced pose arms

    Down Dog
    Dolphin - push away from hands - ideally shoulders go behind elbows
    Down Dog - focus on externally rotating the arms out - this can be overdone - your elbow creases should face each other - if you don't know external rotation - sit and take your arms overhead - the thumbs turn out
    any forward bend with the fingers interlaced behind the back or in reverse namaste
    Triangle pose - don't worry about the legs, focus on the arms being in one line and the shoulder blades coming towards each other

    Locust - interlace the fingers on the butt - lift the arms as you lift the chest and legs
    Locust - opposite interlace of the fingers
    Wheel - if it's relatively easy for you

    Upward plank
    Bridge - probably the best and one you can do just whenever - roll your shoulders underneath your body - you can also make this pose restorative by placing a block under the sacrum
    Shoulderstand with props - without props, can make it worse - just do bridge if you have no idea what I'm talking about

    There's a great use of a strap to bring the trapezius down, but it's so hard to explain.

    More than you wanted to know, right?
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66

    In a weird head space today. Is it in the air? I wonder? 9th day without coffee and I seem to be over it. 3rd day with no refined sugar and am having a struggle. If only my pants were a little looser maybe I would feel like it's all worth it. Going to find a gym today and buy some new walking shoes as my old ones are blown. Having trouble getting protein in me that isnt too fatty. Had sardines yesterday which I am starting to like (once in a while). I feel disorganized and overwhelmed some. Maybe all I need is a walk in the sun and I'll feel better. We'll see.

    boogaloo over and out.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Thanks, Mary...I'll try all or part of it tomorrow afternoon.

    Today, it's back to teaching. Then, I'm aiming for a double at the gym. It will be a challenge.

    I had to review video footage of myself last night. Between not so great lighting, camera angle and that whole "camera adds thirty pounds" thing, it kind of dinged my esteem a bit. It's so weird, but I think I have a bit of body dis-morphia. I had an ugly "oh, what's the point" moment afterwards. and really wanted to turn to food. I didn't. My inner dialogue went something like: "Why can't a person who works out an average of 9 hours a week and is moderately careful about what she eats....blah, blah, blah"...waaaah! somebody photoshop me. Yeeeesh...when do I become entirely enlightened?

    Anyways, I'm trying to not let it linger. The problem is, I'm the queen of lingering.

    Teaching. Hydrating. Project work. Spin, followed by yoga.

    Not lingering, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    SMJ, Congrats on getting off the coffee! Hope the sugar quickly follows.

    V, I thought I was the lingering queen? I think you look absolutely fantastic! I mean it! I can understand where you are coming from with the TV/camera thing but you really do look great.

    Speaking of lingering, we had a bad evening. DH had a stressful day at work and without realizing it I brought up a stressful subject and it ended up in a nasty fight. Woke up feeling like poo this morning from crying last night, and the feelings are still lingering though we apologized to each other. I hate this feeling. It's pretty much sapped the excitement out of this day. I think the stress of it is really wearing on us. While we were fighting I had a moment's desire for chocolate. The angrier I got the more I wanted to clean...and run. I cleaned out the fish tank, did the dishes and ran/walked on the treadmill for thirty minutes. :laugh: I got rid of a lot of the anger but not the emotions.
    I'm not doing well on my eating at all. I've got to get it back under control. I am not making really bad decisions but I am not eating many all. That's my goal for today. Meeting Dh for lunch so we can look at the referral together, which means eating out and hopefully no wheat. (That "I already feel bad so why not" thought pops into my head) Exercise later and probably beginning the craziness of the week. I feel so unprepared about all of this.
    But first horse therapy and some errands.
    Getting over it boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I know how you feel V, I'll see a picture of myself occasionally and be hyper critical. So just stop it!
    Fingers crossed for you today, MM.

    Food from yesterday:
    B: shredded wheat, banana, skim milk, honey, two double espressos with skim milk
    L: apples with cheese and peanut butter (not together - tried to have a salad, but it was icky already! - only 2 days old)
    Snacks: bread and butter at various times throughout the day, did go to the bakery yesterday after all
    D: alfredo with artichokes and spinach
    last piece of fudge as well - rest is in the freezer for when I go see my elderly lady
    minor victory - did not eat all the alfredo on my plate

    The combination of a bike ride and walk outside was too much for me yesterday. My allergies are hitting hard today. With that in mind, I will stay inside today and walk and do yoga.

    Distorted body image, boo, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    migraine + throwing up = day off is today.

    boo to it.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Well, you'll have to keep your fingers crossed until tomorrow. No child today. They told Andrei to come back tomorrow. :indifferent: They need a smiley face on here that just blinks a couple of times with a stupified look on its face. Inside I feel like I am banging my head on the wall. lol. They must be trying though because they only handle referrals on Tuesdays, so for them to ask Andrei to come back tomorrow says something. Maybe someone dropped the ball. I wonder if we will still be flying out this weekend then. Hmmm. I guess I can hold off on not eating until tomorrow now. :laugh: (I don't eat when I'm nervous. Something I need to break.)

    What are ya gonna do? boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, wow. Hope you get some news today!

    I'm preparing to drag my butt to dance class. My special lady time is here, and it's angry at me. Since I missed working out yesterday, I'm out of days off for the week.

    After that, a busy day, followed by some project work and resting. Pretty drained right now. I also need to go to the store and buy some vegetables, then eat said vegetables. I'm not doing very well on vegetables as of late. Or fruit. Or food in general. I'm not really eating enough of the right kind of foods. I feel in control with portions, but out of control with choices, if that makes any sense. Just a bit blerghy.

    Pushing through blerghy, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    V, Sorry I missed your migraine post yesterday. I posted about the same time. The day after a nasty migraine is horrible, too. I pray that you get plenty of rest today. Remember to listen to your body the rest of the week. If it says it needs a day off, give it what it needs. :flowerforyou:

    Well, maybe third times a charm? :laugh: What a trip this adoption has been. Good thing I didn't know ahead of time. I would have run the other way!
    We went roller blading again last night, though we didn't go far. Alex got scared when he went down a slope on his tricycle a little faster than he wanted, even though daddy was at the bottom waiting to slow him down. I didn't eat much yesterday so I'm glad I wasn't dependent on that exercise. This morning I am going walking with a friend. We will have kids in tow so it may not be a fast walk. I have got to clean up the house today, whether we are going this weekend or not. I may also try to do some taebo this afternoon as well. I have also hardly eaten any veggies at all the last two days so that is another goal today.

    Staying strong boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Keeping fingers crossed, MM.

    I'm thinking I will call the doctor today and make an appointment for tomorrow. This cough is driving me batso.

    Food from yesterday:
    B: shredded wheat, banana, skim milk, honey, two double espressos with skim milk
    L: bunch broccolini in soba noodles with sesame oil and seeds, and tamari
    S: bread & butter, almonds & walnuts, handful of chocolate chips
    D: went out to eat: burrito thingys and chips - pretty proud of myself as far as the chips went - they were really good
    ex: lots o' walking - no yoga, I need to work on making a yoga room sans cats

    I am such a mindless eater - I really noticed it yesterday with the chocolate chips - I ate a "handful" - not on a plate or napkin, but handful. Then as I was still chewing the chips in my mouth, I was pouring more in. Ridiculous.
    Pay attention, enjoy life - or I might just end up at 60 wondering where all the years went.

    Pay attention, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    I have decided not to spend my day waiting anxiously and anticipating news. If it comes, wonderful! We will celebrate (not with food)! If it doesn't happen then I have not wasted my day worrying and wondering. Who am I kidding? :laugh: I think I am getting a lesson in focusing on the here and now, not what could be or will be.
    I thought after not eating much the last few days I'd be down some pounds but nope. I'm stuck at 156. :frown: Oh well, It's just a number. I should measure myself today. I haven't done that in a couple of weeks. Maybe that will be an encouragement.
    I have not been logging my food faithfully at all, so that is a goal for today. Also getting another decent work out in. I've been moving everyday but I'm not getting heavy duty work outs in. I have to finish my grocery list this morning and go shopping. I don't know how to proceed with the list since I don't know if we are going this weekend or not. If no news today then I assume we are not going this weekend. Dh said that we should go ahead and get some of our stuff together anyway. So I may chip away at the list today.
    I *think* I am having some breakthroughs mentally, or I just have no appetite, but fried foods are really grossing me out. Well, maybe not french fries so much. :laugh: I hope it sticks. I need it to stick.
    Oh and my foreman grill has to go bye bye and I can't afford to get another one right now. I'm bummed. Maybe I can get one for Christmas. lol.
    Hope you all have an awesome day!
    Moving on boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Fried foods don't tempt me. Even after a few french fries, I'm done. I'll still eat chips though.

    I think I will display my meals for one more week - maybe. I get on food kicks, where I make the same thing for awhile. With that in mind:

    B: shredded wheat, strawberries, skim milk, honey, two double espressos with skim milk
    L: quinoa stuff (quinoa, corn, black beans, carrots, celery), kale and nut sauce
    S: almonds,banana, nut bar (was in a hurry)
    D: salad - pear, cheddar, sugared walnuts (super easy to make - just place nuts in a non-stick pan with a little sugar and heat until the sugar melts), croutons (not a good addition), bread and butter
    ex: double yoga
    bonus: no dessert!

    Today - walk this morning and probably another this afternoon. The ragweed is declining, yeah! Maybe we'll get rain this weekend. I don't think it has rained this month. A big bad cold front is coming a week from today! Just in time for Halloween! Hard to know this far out though.

    Please rain and wash out all the remaining ragweed, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Yesterday was a blah day. I was not up to cooking, so my husband helpfully brought home some terrible food choices. Potato chips..I am totally triggered by fried foods. It was a medium sized bag, and I ate myself sick (I actually thought I was going to vomit last night) Instead of throwing them away and hauling my butt down to the produce market, I ate them. Through portion control, I managed to stay within my calories (and unbelievably, with a candy bar that I purchased myself, stay under my sugars). Someday, before I'm dead, I hope to figure out this whole saying no to desires thing...I did say this morning "please, please, please don't bring me anymore potato chips". Even that feels like progress.

    Goals for the day:
    1. produce market (I want to find a vegetarian dinner...probably this peruvian quinoa stew I make (Moosewood cookbook) or that ethiopian recipe Mary pointed me to last week...anything I can chop up and put in a pot.
    2. gym at 6 p.m. for spin followed by weights class. (When it is getting dark, then I will go to the gym.)
    3. Continue to hydrate to try to flush fluids out (still so retain-y)
    4. project work..the time frame is really getting tight! This is the other reason I'm gravitating toward naughty foods.

    Acupuncture continues to be fascinating. I go for a treatment, and then sleep like a baby. This one benefit makes it appealing to me. It also really seems to be helping with the shoulder and neck tension.

    I read something today about sleep...a new study says that even two nights of sleep deprivation completely re-wires our hunger hormone levels. (cravings for refined carbohydrates up by 32%, leptin (the stuff that makes us feel full) declined by 19% and grehlin (the stuff that makes us hungry) up by 23%. I have been performing this experiment for years...and it was nice to have an explanation for days like yesterday. Still, statistics don't make me any skinnier, or make it any easier. I have on my pouty-pants right now, I I will work on taking responsibility for my actions and not making excuses.

    No excuses, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Yay, it's Friday!

    I don't know what I am doing today. I always like to have a plan, but today I don't. Steve may get off work a few hours early today. He had mentioned going camping, but it might be raining. Also I don't have "camping" meals bought. We need to come up with something to do this weekend. Today is Bible Study and I really don't want to go. I think I am secretly throwing a pity party. I don't want to throw a pity party. Still no news but I felt so much better yesterday when I did not worry about it all day. I need to keep that in mind for all things that weight heavily on me. No news is good news right?:huh:
    Goals today: go to the study (it will be good for me), try to get a few things done for our trip that can be done now, clean house, get some exercise, and log food. Oh and school work. We've been falling behind here.
    I learned (or relearned) last night that just because I have 300 calories leftover does not mean I need to eat them. If I'm not hungry, then I shouldn't feel compelled to eat them. I need to find the balance between counting and listening to my body. I think SBF could also stand for "Starting, Balancing, Finishing." :wink:
    Finding balance boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Funny story: decided to weigh myself this a.m. Dug the scale out of the closet, put it on a level surface and stepped on it. No reading. Put a new battery in. Nothing. It's broken. So, no weighing for me. Talk about an enforcement of my own advice. :laugh: I plan on digging out the tape measure later.

    Today, goals are as follows:

    trainer session (it's been over a month, and I'm super excited. I'm asking for some boxing followed by a lengthy assisted stretch session.)
    project work
    a bit of vacuuming.

    and that's enough.

    MM, I love "starting, balancing, finishing"...those pretty much sum up my current life goals.:tongue: Heavy on the "finishing" right now.

    Finishing, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I like the starting, balancing, finishing. :happy:

    I was on my feet a lot yesterday. The gorilla shoes had their test, and they won. Most the day I was barefoot, which I guess is the same thing. I think my cough is getting better too, yeah.
    I'm worried about not having students today. Wednesday I only had three - and two of them said they weren't coming today. Yikes.

    B: shredded wheat, strawberries, skim milk, honey, two double espressos with skim milk
    L: quinoa stuff + snacking on stuff: small roll, pita chips, artichoke dip (great stuff, no cream in it, got it from a cooking class)
    S: nuts, peanut butter
    D: salad - apple, cheddar, sugared walnuts, croutons, bread and butter
    ex: 1 hr, 45 min walking

    Barefoot, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    update: trainer rescheduled for tomorrow (which is actually way better for me). Now to decide between the arc trainer and an outside walk. Probably the rain (or not rain) will decide for me.

    When it is 3:30 (my husband has a rehearsal scheduled) then I will go workout. :wink: