Looking for help to get back on track!!!



  • LoveSweatAndCheeseburgers
    I lost more than 55lbs since January 2013, and recently gained about 10lbs back. The end of my senior year of college was full of happy hours, late night pizza deliveries, and free barbeques. I made the excuse that I was celebrating, and was able to maintain my weight loss for a while. Now i'm starting to gain and not feeling so great. I feel like i've taken a huge step back and am struggling to regain my steady stride. Looking for new friends and support to get this back!
  • CheekyNikki
    CheekyNikki Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for your thoughts. I just sent you a friend request :smile:
  • CheekyNikki
    CheekyNikki Posts: 19 Member
    I'm with you on this one. I joined in January 2012 and had lost over 50 pounds. Then I had some upheaval... My husband ended up in the hospital and we had to leave home for that since our island does not have a hospital. Cue unrestrained eating due to stress and living on a hospital chair. Then came The Holidays. More overeating. It's The Holidays, right? Then I got depressed because I gained weight so naturally I ate more So, here I am. Starting over. I haven't even weighed myself yet. But I have started over beginning today and I'm trying to work through some emotional issues. I can do it and so can you.

    Sorry to hear that but glad that you decided to get back at it. I'm hope you're doing okay. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to share your journey :smile:
  • CheekyNikki
    CheekyNikki Posts: 19 Member
    your welcome to add me! I am looking to motivate people and be motivated myself. Most of my regulars have stopped logging so it's kinda boring doing this alone.

    I just sent you a friend request.
  • CheekyNikki
    CheekyNikki Posts: 19 Member
    I agree and disagree with this at the same time.

    Yes, you really have to want it. However, everyone does it different.

    I do find that being around others helps me to push harder, which is why I go to the gym (or exercise at the beach with a friend if we can coordinate our schedules).

    I also find that information lets me know what I am actually doing. For example, I am a Fitbit "sucker." I am okay with being called that because I can tell you that I am aware of how much activity I am doing. I push myself to get that reward buzz when I meet my step goals and I try to exceed it by as much as I possibly can.

    I also own a heart rate monitor. This lets me know how many calories I am actually burning. I'll tell you, the information in stored MFP exercises are way different than what my heart rate monitor tells me. Also, I find that my heart rate monitor also says something different than what the gym equipment says.

    Sure! You don't need to have details if you commit to working out and eating within a calorie range. However, it helps ME to stay on track.

    I also think that things like shakes CAN be helpful as supplements and/or replacements (depending on who you are).

    I think what you said makes a ton of sense and that you're totally correct. It just depends on the person. I'm not always the most motivated to work out in my living room or by myself outside (even though I live right by the beach). Everyone is different and sometimes people benefit from a gimmick or two.

    Thanks for sharing. I just sent you a friend request.
  • CheekyNikki
    CheekyNikki Posts: 19 Member
    I lost weight and then gained it back plus a bit more so yeah, I know what you're talking about! And now I'm back on track hoping to be able to look okay in a bikini for summer 2014, feel free to add me -and anyone else! :)

    I just sent you a friend reqeust. Hopefully we can motivate each other to be bikini ready for summer 2014 :smile: