Focus T25 love

I am only starting my second week of T25 today but I love it already! I have started so many programs and never actually finished them, but I feel really hopeful with this one (plus taking it seriously helps too lol)

It was super hard as I expected for the first week and was wiped out by the end of the 25 minutes. But I am starting to feel guilty about only working out 25 mins a day when I used to work out for anywhere from 60-75 mins.

I think this week or so I may add some other things. Clearly these videos are packed with cardio so probably not that...does anyone out there have suggestions on extra things to add to really help get best results? Weight lifting? Yoga? Numerous things?



  • borimex80
    borimex80 Posts: 2 Member
    I also love this program. I am starting week 3 of Beta cycle. Like you, i always had a hard time finishing a program. I am going to stick with this till the end. As far as anything extra, I suggest adding in some weight lifting. Nothing major. you can hit shoulders one day, biceps the next day, and triceps after that. There are videos on YouTube that can show you simple routines. Hugo Rivera has good videos. Just put in "7 min shoulders". His workouts consist of 2 sets of 3 exercises in 7 minutes. You can add a set and make it into an 11 minute workout. I wouldn't worry about the legs. They take a lot of punishment doing t25. Remember muscle growth helps burn fat faster. Also, remember that that in Beta phase weights are incorporated into the workouts. Just do the weight lifting until you get to Beta. Good luck and "focus"
  • pankait88
    pankait88 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks!! Very good to know I will definitely check those out! Yeah the legs get the worst of it! Good luck to you too! :)