Has anyone's taste for sugar changed?

I used to crave chocolate all the time. Or sweets in general. It was a major obstacle to weight loss for me. So one day, I quit. It was extremely difficult and I found myself thinking about sweets long after the physical cravings subsided (which took only 2-3 days). Then I started to reintroduce small quantities of high quality chocolate. The first time I attempted this, I felt the urge to go nuts. So I quit again for two weeks. Then I reintroduced it again and didn't get as much pleasure from it as I usually do. This was really weird because psychologically, I still feel the need to buy chocolate in the quantities I used to but I no longer need that much.

I'm very happy about this progress but I just know that if I get cocky and start having it all the time, I will start to NEED sugar again. So I make sure not to have it more than once per week.

Who else noticed that their tastes changed and what did you do to maintain the changes?


  • beckmoir
    beckmoir Posts: 11 Member
    it has changed a bit for me but only with everything EXCEPT for chocolate. chocolate will probably always be my weakness lol
  • chadwick175
    chadwick175 Posts: 34 Member
    I crave chocolate chip Cookies all the time. I still eat them but I use way more moderation
  • lensperry
    lensperry Posts: 29 Member
    I still eat chocolate/cupcakes, etc on occasion so I can't reply in regards to that. BUT, I did stop drinking Pepsi and Dr. Pepper regularly. Every now and then I decide that I want one and when I start to drink it, it is definitely too sweet for me to finish. I try not to have them very often though because it was such a habit for me before and I don't want to go back to having at least 1 a day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I wish.