Hello, Im new and Im at a loss why Im gaining....



  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Im in therapy. and Im not making myself physically sick, just sickened by the constant weight gain even though I changed my eating habits.

    I also had my hormones checked at my gyno because i was in the beginning stages of getting "fixed" and then was fixed a bit after the attack.

    Is it normal for ones body to gain weight after you start eating healthy?

    "eating healthy" is a meaningless phrase.

    you can get fat eating nothing but fruits and vegetables if you eat too many of them and are always in a calorie surplus.

    you can lose weight eating nothing by french fries and potato chips if you are always in a calorie deficit.

    what you eat doesn't matter for weight loss/gain. only how much. what you eat matters for nutrition.

    if you're gaining weight that can't be explained by normal daily fluctuations due to water weight (and excluding any medical condition that might cause you to retain excessive amounts of fluid), it's because you are eating (consistently!) more than your TDEE and are not in a calorie deficit.

    focus on accurate and honest food logging and err on the side of caution with your exercise logging (i.e. MFP's exercise numbers are often too high) and stick to your calorie goal and you'll lose weight. you can start with the BMR numbers you get from an online calculator, but you'll need a couple of months worth of data and may also need to adjust those numbers based on your results in case your true BMR is higher or lower than your predicted BMR.

    if your BMR and activity levels are not completely accurate, your TDEE will not be completely accurate. this is why some people need to collect data and refine their results over the course of a couple of months to get "dialed in" on their correct numbers. most people will be close enough not to need to do much of that though.