what the!!!!

skiski Posts: 173 Member
ok I am truley baffled...

This week I have pushed myself harder to get exercise into my everyday routine and abliet a day or so am working out between 1 hour-2 hours per day...this is spread about the day and varies from walking to heavy gardening...to evening work out dvd's but it seems to have had the opposite effect...i have ballooned :noway: i have gone from 145lb to 151lb in two weeks...I know some of this is due to the monthly visitor & inevitable water retention...but what the??????

How has this happened, I am eating three well balanced meals a day plus two snacks one fruit and the other a skinny cow ice lolly (only 82 cal)...where am i going wrong? I wondered if it is that I am not drinking as much water? I don't know...

But I am ready to have a huge blow out and sod it....but i would rather figure out what's gone wrong...:explode:

Ski x


  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    ok I am truley baffled...

    This week I have pushed myself harder to get exercise into my everyday routine and abliet a day or so am working out between 1 hour-2 hours per day...this is spread about the day and varies from walking to heavy gardening...to evening work out dvd's but it seems to have had the opposite effect...i have ballooned :noway: i have gone from 145lb to 151lb in two weeks...I know some of this is due to the monthly visitor & inevitable water retention...but what the??????

    How has this happened, I am eating three well balanced meals a day plus two snacks one fruit and the other a skinny cow ice lolly (only 82 cal)...where am i going wrong? I wondered if it is that I am not drinking as much water? I don't know...

    But I am ready to have a huge blow out and sod it....but i would rather figure out what's gone wrong...:explode:

    Ski x
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member

    i would let that time of the month be done with its shinanigans and then reevaluate your situation, it has been know to give me an extra 3-4 pounds during that week.
    also, are you eating your work out calories ?

    just dont give up, you'll get there !!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oh skiski....before you do that...and please don't!!!!

    Its most definitely water weight due to or in part of your monthly visitor...that rascal!:grumble:

    I have gained as much as 7 pounds:embarassed: been sooo upset and then when it was over I lost it all plus 1!!! maybe the same will happen but I can bet money on those 6 your scale is lying to you about is water....

    you should get a tape measure hon, its worked wonders for my addiction and mood regulator to the scale....so don't give up sound like you are doing really really well!!! (keep up the water that will help!)

    hugs and hang in there girl!!!
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    Hi May thank you for replying...:flowerforyou:

    good thinking, I think I was having a freak out moment! And naturally it would be more sensible to re-evaluate the weight at the end of the week...I guess with feeling significantly bloated...I am just feeling conscious of my body, more than usual for me!:blushing:

    ...I am eating some (but not all) of the exercise cals...is that good or bad?

    Thanks Ski...keep on swimming....
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    (((hugs to ali)))

    Huge thank you for your lovely words of encouragement...I guess I didn't know I could gain so much due to the monthly visitor...up to 6lbs...:noway: this is a crime against women lol!!!

    Thank you ali...I won't give up...just keep on doing the exercise and eating and right and hopefully get back on track...

    Also I love the idea about the measuring...the scale is too cruel!!! lol xxx
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    yes never weigh at that time of the mth that time does my head in if i jump on scales
    here is an example last week was aunt flows visit and well before it i was 224.2 lbs and i just jumped on the scales at the gym tonight to check what i was at afterwards and now i am 216.9 lbs thats a 7.3 lb drop im saying it will be getting rid of ant flow and doing all the excercise and eating according to here that made more drop off as during it i went up to 226.6 lbs lucky i didnt go with that one so i say never ever ever get on scales during aunt flows visit hear me never ever. and do measure as well its the whole picture that is important not just weight.
    i cant wait for my weigh in at the gym on friday to get the measurments as well and finaly weigh reading.
    so chin up we are here for ya.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I so feel your pain! Wow, the body definitely has a knack for playint with our head!!

    The scale should be used as a guideline but never used as the be-all-end-all of how you are doing weight-wise. I am talking from experience here.

    You are doing everything right so your body will respond favorably at some point. Something I have figure out about myself is that sometimes I have a small loss or even a plateau and then eventually I lose like 4 lbs in a week. It's almost like my body catches up to what I've been doing. Maybe the muscle I have slowly been building suddenly goes to work, I don't know.

    I think weight-loss is trial and error for everyone. What works for one person, might not work for you. BUT, there is the right combo of exercise and calories that will work for you. It just takes a little time to figure out what that exact combo is.

    Just hang in there. Know that you are treating your body right and it will respond in kind if you give it a chance to.

    Good luck!!
    Tami (I am 81 lbs down since September...not an expert BUT definitely experienced!! HEHE)
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member

    jakspak & tamim

    Thank you both for the replies...i have firmly sworn that i will NEVER again use my scales during this time of the month...it did seriously make me freak out...lesson learned...I will contiue with the exercise and eating, think i may adjust my goal a little but overall...this has made me realise that as long as the determination is there then i can do this...even though i have my off days!!!

    thanks for the amazing support from you all xxx:heart: