


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Tuna: food of champions :)
  • mimere
    mimere Posts: 19
    Try snap peas! I hate cooking too, and if I can't microwave it, usually that means I won't eat it. But snap peas plain, or with hummus or some kind of low cal dip is really good and easy to pull out.

    I also like leaving grapes out on the counter, easy to grab and snack on.

    Sorry if this is repetitive I only skimmed the other responses!
  • rundgrenfan
    I feel the same way. I am realizing that I need to be strong through those munch periods because nothing "shovable" is worth the cost right now. I had a snack bag of popcorn last night and it was so unsatisfying I wished I hadn't bothered because then I wanted about three more! Good luck and do let us know if you get a new idea!
  • firemama
    firemama Posts: 66 Member
    I like to snack on egg whites, string cheese, and popcorn. All are fairly easy to prepare and travel well. I boil about 10 eggs on Sunday and they last me the week. It has a bunch of protein and keeps me full.