strengh training with plantar fasciiitis

HI everyone,

I am normally an avid runner, but after battling plantar fasciitis my podiatrist has had me on a break from most forms of exercise since I ran a marathon in November. He thinks I'm about 80% healed at this point. I have been losing weight slowly and surely by monitoring what I eat on this site and some swimming when I can get to the Y. I've never been good at sticking to a strength training regimen but I'd really like to start one to tone up. However, anything that puts pressure on my heel is out. (squats, lunges, etc). Also, I really don't know where to start. I know there are still things like push-ups, arm curls, etc. I could do. But does anyone have a good regimen they follow they like, that perhaps doesn't involve exercises that would damage my heel? I'm hoping someone else out there has been in this situation and has a workout they used while healing plantar fasciitis. If you are willing to share, I would SO appreciate it!
