Carbs actually matter on a Cut?

So for the past cuts all ive been doing was restricting calories ans not giving a **** about macros but now im realizing the whole 40/40/20 thing and im on a cut now and realized that i could be leaner now and why id be bloated for the next week after my refeed and cheat day so 3 weeks into my cut ive decided to do the 40/40/20. So I take it that the whole point of low/moderate carb is do deplete body of carbs and burn stored fat, but i do intermittent fastinf20/4 which is essentially the same thing, so does it even matter if i go low/moderate carb now? Also i do hiit sprints about 3 times a week, do you recommend not doing hiit intermittent fasting and low carb altogether as ive heard hiit is hell in that senario.