Lost 28 lbs and now having cravings...

Hi everyone. I started MFP in July of last year and since lost a total of 28 lbs because I was staying super motivated with exercising and dieting. But for some reason for the past month or so I've been cheating a lot more, exercising a lot less, and my motivation is seriously lacking. I figured if I got past the first few months I'd be good to go but I never thought after almost a full year of dieting and exercising I'd suddenly start losing my motivation.

In the entire month of April I lost a total of only 0.4 lbs which is better than gaining, but I was previously losing 2-3 lbs per month. I'm not in any rush to lose weight nor am I on a personal time limit, but I do want to stay motivated and get back on track.

Has this happened to anybody else and how do you manage to motivate yourself to dodge cravings and laziness? Thanks!


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    First, I don't really "dodge" cravings. I set myself to indulge. I use weekly cals instead of daily. So if I'm allowing myself, say, 1200 a day and I eat only 1000 three out of the seven days that means I get 1800 on Saturday or Sunday (usually when I indulge in wings and beer :smile: )

    Second, I do exercise I like. I hate lifting so I don't do it. I like running and walking so I do a lot of that. I also garden, go on hikes, jump in waves at the beach, that kind of thing.

    Best of luck to you!
  • trinity5703
    trinity5703 Posts: 78
    If you are craving something, have whatever it is your craving..... just set a limit.
    Pizza is my red light food. Left to my own devices I will do some serious damage to a pizza.
    I just have to remind myself that I can have two pieces, and thats all. Sure, I could probably eat a lot more of it, but two slices pretty well satisfies the craving.

    As for the exercise. Maybe youve gotten bored with your workout routine? Try something else, switch to a different schedule, add a new element, Instead of running/walking... why not try biking, or swiming?
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    When I am having cravings I try to find a healthier alternative to meet that craving. For example in the fall I am a pumpkin junky. I used to eat a pumpkin muffin every night until I looked up the nutrition information. Now I have a cup of greek yogurt, 1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree, 1 packet stevia sweetener and a dash of cinnamon. It is not the same but it does the trick most of the time. I also love everything bagels. My sub for that is a plain rice cake with 2 tbsp of tribe everything hummus. Experiement with similar tastes or textures to see what helps you work through your cravings. If I can not kick the craving within a few days and I still want that item I will have a small amount in moderation. I have an open food journal if you send me a friend request you can see it for ideas.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    As others have said, don't dodge your cravings. Just control how much you eat of it.

    One way I keep my motivation is by working on achieving new records in my exercise. Most minutes, fastest speed, most miles, etc.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I work my 'craving' foods into my daily diet. Having said that, I totally get where you're coming from, as I've been there - and am sorta there right now. This has happened to me several times, and when it does I just commit to being HONEST in my food and exercise diary and try not to GAIN weight. I've gone on several 'losing hiatuses', where I logged my food and exercise but didn't really care if I went over my daily calories. I don't usually gain any weight back when I do this, but after a while, I'll start wanting to be under the calorie intake again and losses begin anew. The trick is to KEEP LOGGING and be honest with yourself. :) Good luck!
  • gtinari
    gtinari Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone!