Pasta is my Weakness!! Help!

o2blori Posts: 168 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I am seriously craving Pasta. Spicy creamy yummy pasta! Any suggestions? Also, what are your weaknesses were food is concerned??


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    chocolate, cakes, breads, warm cheese dips.... oooh so good!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Great pasta substitutes include quinoa, spaghetti squash, barley, beans, whole-grain rice, cous-cous (kind of between a pasta and a grain - more grain-like than pasta, though), cauliflower "rice", and many more.

    I highly recommend you just start trying lots of new foods to go with your meals instead of pasta - the substitutes may not taste/look like pasta, but they fill you up and are very yummy! I used to eat pasta quite frequently, but almost never have it anymore. There are so many fun, healthy, delicious foods out there!
  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    Great information. Thank you so much. I love hearing this stuff. I can pass it on as well. :-)
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    Lean Cuisines and all those other frozen meals out there on the market offer pasta dishes. And they taste great too. Perfect for when your craving pasta. Give em a try and good luck!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Why can't you have pasta?

    I had some last night. Dreamfields pasta (2 oz dry) with 1/2c marinara sauce and 4oz lean ground beef, with a small green salad. Yummy! And about 600 calories, since I only ate part of it.

    I don't deprive myself of anything, just work it into my eating plan.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I am seriously craving Pasta. Spicy creamy yummy pasta! Any suggestions? Also, what are your weaknesses were food is concerned??

    I agree with "accountant." Remember that past, even grain pasta, gets converted into sugar in your body. If you are just beginning to loose weight, then it would be very good if you could restrain from eating it. All the cboices that accountat boi gave you are the right one and they are also tasty.

    If you MUST eat some pasta, try to cook a small amount of wheat pasta (Barilla noodles, small shells or other variety are good choices), and mix it with either broccoli, peas, chard, or spinach and add some chopped tomatoes and olive oil. A little bit of parmesan cheese will give it a good flavor. I will recommend that you stay away from creamy sauces such as Alfredo

  • mobymarsh
    mobymarsh Posts: 67 Member
    pasta is fine i mix it with bacon and onion then a good spoonfull of philadelphia cream cheese the low fat one if it is not enough to coat the pasta add quark it is free on slimming world
    pasta carbonara
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    Haven't tried it yet, but it might be worth checking out. She also has a recipe for creamy alfredo at less than 100 calories per serving on here.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I am hooked on whole grain pasta when i prepare it & use ground chicken. I have read that spinach pasta, & barley pasta can be a great substitute.

    Some of my weaknesses are bread, sweets and sweets again.
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 65 Member
    I LOVE pasta as well! I enjoy it, just in moderation. I make a yummy dish I call "balsamic braised pasta." I use 1 cup of whole wheat pasta (so much more filling than regular and you really can't taste the difference), boil to al dente. While it boils I saute a cut up red bell pepper. After I drain the pasta I dump it in the skillet with the pepper and then pour a sizeable helping of balsamic vinegar on it, a splash of skim milk, and lots of garlic powder (sometimes I add a few red pepper flakes if I want some heat), and let all this absorb. Then I toss in some spinach to wilt and 1 oz of part skim mozzarella and let that melt a bit. This is creamy, flavorful, filling, and hits the pasta spot for around 400 calories!
  • So you crave pasta....which is a carb...When you are craving pasta, are you happy, sad , bored?? I was reading on that some people that crave pasta may be a little low on the seritonin or endorphin front. I mean don't get me wrong..we all need carbs..but if you find you actually crave them to the point of binging it may be a sign that you might be deficient in something else. I like to eat whole wheat pasta or quinoa..yummy with a light sauce of some sort or even salad dressing with veggies and a protein. My biggest craving is that time of the month without fail..I actually have a chocolate cuboard...right beside the liquor way up I actually have to make an effort to get the
    I hope this helps :)
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I buy that Barilla Whole Grain Pasta, and its OK with, but I gotta make sure I dont eat the whole box.......Pasta is my number one weakness......forget sweets , ice cream, chips, .........nope, pasta is the kulprit..........

    But, I gotta say, I have 5 - 6 oz of Barilla Whole Wheat or Whole Grain pasta, and Im losing weight.....matter of fact, isnt Pasta supposed to be good, moderation

    Im waiting to see the replies to this post........again, Pasta is my downfall, and any help, and I repeat........ANY information will be most appreciated........ Lloyd
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I also wonder why you can't have pasta?!

    It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. Everything in moderation is the key to getting where you want and most importantly, staying there!

    What you have to learn is portion control. Measure and weigh your pasta and only have 1 serving at a time.

    I don't like creamy rich pastas, so I don't have an alternative for you there...but check Cooking Light for something!

    Tonight I'm having 2 oz. pasta with 4 oz. medium shrimp with broccoli and red/green/yellow bell peppers. All I do is cook the pasta and while that's happening, throw the shrimp, a little bit of evoo, the broccoli and the bell peppers into a frying pan. When they're done, I just add a little pepper to them and combine the pasta with the shrimp and veggies. Very simple, quick and easy and good for you. The shrimp tends to have quite a bit of sodium, so I rinse that off real good before I cook it!

    ETA: 370 calories, 55g carbs, 2g fat, 34g protein and 8g fiber for my pasta/shrimp dish.
  • I LOVE pasta as well! I enjoy it, just in moderation. I make a yummy dish I call "balsamic braised pasta." I use 1 cup of whole wheat pasta (so much more filling than regular and you really can't taste the difference), boil to al dente. While it boils I saute a cut up red bell pepper. After I drain the pasta I dump it in the skillet with the pepper and then pour a sizeable helping of balsamic vinegar on it, a splash of skim milk, and lots of garlic powder (sometimes I add a few red pepper flakes if I want some heat), and let all this absorb. Then I toss in some spinach to wilt and 1 oz of part skim mozzarella and let that melt a bit. This is creamy, flavorful, filling, and hits the pasta spot for around 400 calories!
    OOoooo that sounds yummy I think I might have to make that for lunch... Thanks :)
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    How about cooked barley?? It's only 100 calories for 1/4 cup dry and it makes a lot when cooked! I've put most everything on it ~ reminds me of pasta, but no guilt:flowerforyou: Cooked barley with fat free (or low fat) sour cream and some chives is creamy and excellent!

    And there is no reason that you can't have a little pasta now and then.......
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    speaking of this pasta, again, each to their own, but Ill make mostly, 5 oz of pasta, kinda alot, but this is the ONLY weakness I splurge on, and its on 2 times a week now, but I use that Olive Oil , after I boil it, then give it a few seconds, then Ill put some black pepper and some parmesan cheese........thats it, and thats my meal

    I , until about 3 months ago, never ever even tasted Olive Oil, never liked the taste, but knowing that its much better than hydonated oil, i.e, Wesson Oil, , I am now a user of Barilla Extra Virgin Olive Oil and have acquired the taste........mmm, not bad

    I know that Pasta is a processed food, and I know moderation is the key, but I swear, some one swore by it and said that all the body builders were eating tons of it? Hmm,............

    Im reading these replies with earnest, as I mentioned, its my biggest weakness........thanks for all the tips too.........Lloyd
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    I never knew to use barley that way - thanks!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    My weakness's are pizza and chinese food. LOL

    With Pasta, I just put a dab of butter, parmesan cheese, and oregano in it instead of sauces. Makes the calories A LOT less.
  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    I've never actually pin pointed a time that I crave Pasta. I just love it. The exact time of this posting, I'm at work, a little sleepy, but I was just really hungry and mexican (spicy) and pasta sounded good. Thank you so much for the advice and comments
  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    This does sound really good, and the red pepper flakes may kick my spicky crave I'm having. Thank you so much!
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