Run Sane Without Pain

Today for the first time in over ten years today I ran. Running use to set me free, but I gave it up about 10 years ago, because nagging overuse injuries kept me in some sort of trauma constantly. Now that I’m over 60 I don’t want to be in a constant state of injury repair due to running too much or too often. So, I’ve set a very conservative schedule I hope will allow me to return to the exercise I love the most and stay trauma free.

What I’m wondering is if there is anybody else out there with a passion for running that would like to join me in a thread to promote , encourage and support running for the sane without pain? We could check in once a week, Say Monday, with encouraging words, good ideas/plans and anything else to support our passion for running yet staying injury free.

I know there are others out there that love to run but stay too close to the edge of injury to try to maximize your exercise effort. If I’m talking about you please join in to help us that are too close to insane to help ourselves. Just say yes, then check in every Monday with your thoughts and Ideas to make running fun and injury free.

Here are some of my ideas so far as I start my new running routine today:
-I’m only going to run 3 times a week to start and I will do that for at least one month.
-No watches/timing for the first month
-Start with 1 mile and increase ¼ mile each day I run until I get to 3 miles

This seems conservative to me. It will get me to 3 miles in three weeks. That seems like a good place to start or me. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas to enjoy injury free running.


  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'm in! I just started running back in February of this year and I can definitely tell when I've pushed myself too hard, too far, too fast. I'm sick with a cold right now and haven't had the energy or stamina to exercise as hard as I was there for a while, just a few short months ago. I'm making a commitment to myself today to set out a workout plan that isn't so rigid or so demanding on my body that I ever return to this point. I love cross training -- running, with some other cardio and some strength training workouts thrown in for good measure. I believe I'll also stick with running 3 to 4 times a week, with other types of workouts on the "off" days, varying in intensity and purpose. Thank you for starting this post/group, and I look forward to us all sharing our sensible running tips, advice and experience!

    ~ Chandra
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I am sure you have done this, but at our ages, running can be harmful to joints. Make sure and get your doctor's oppion and run smart. Even I have started to add a little run at the end of my walks cause I still can see my self running. But at 300 plus, it sure is a job. LOL
  • gotstoknow
    i'm in also!!! my goal start with running 1/2 mile 2x a week... no watch
    slow easy pace. then 3 laps next month and slow easy jog
    of a mile 2x a week by end of december.
    stretching 3x a week for legs.
    and daily ankle alphabets 1 set.
    so check in with you next week!!
    thanks for setting this up!!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I am in...I just started the C25K program and was on week 2 when I became horribly ill (not the fault of running though) so I am starting over this week (later this week though when the cough calms down a little more). My goal is to run a 5K by next summer in under 30 min. I just took my first 50 min walk in over 3 weeks and feel good. I am hoping by later this week, I am back to my walk/job intervals. I have bad knees so I am taking the running road very slow and easy..

    Good luck all!!!
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Small start but a good one. I have a question that Amarillo made me think of. What are you doing to help/avoid joint pain? I'm trying Joint Juice from Costco. I've only been at it for two weeks and I just started running yesterday so it is too early to tell how it is working. If anyone has some good ideas about joint pain let us know on Monday. Thanks
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    First week was good. I'm up to 1-1/2 miles on my plan. I'm only running three days during the week and increasing my mileage by 1/4 mile each time I run. No stopwatches just miles. So far I'm feelin groovey. By next Monday I should be over 2 miles. See you all then with good news I hope. Looking forward to hearing your progress.

  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I am not a runner but have joint pain in my knees that sometimes keeps me from exercising for weeks at a time. I would love to stalk this thread and see the suggestions that people have.

    The things I have done that seem to help include:
    wearing knee braces. The just seem to give me some stability to that the joint doesn't twist.
    Taking oils high in Omega 3 and 6.
    strength training to increase the supporting muscles.

  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Hi All...totally missed the monday check in. I am still in a walking pattern due to being ill. I am hoping to start back to my walk/job intervals this weekend.

    Stormy - Great job on being up to 1 1/2 miles already. I look forward to the day when I can run that far.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Apologies for missing the weekly check in. It's been a busy one around here lately! Anyhow, ironically enough, I'm currently nursing a running injury from last weekend's 5K run (which I did while under the weather with a cold). Admittedly, I'd been pretty lax with my training in the couple of weeks before the race, so afterwards (and still today), I've experienced much pain in my left leg, around and behind my knee. After doing some online research, it sounds like "Runners Knee", and my fiance helped massage some of the extremely tight quad muscles of my left leg. It has gone a long way to help, but it's going to take some more time and massage to recover fully. I refuse to give up, so I'm still cross training with other exercise while I allow my knee/leg to heal and recover -- things that focus more on the upper body and other types of cardio exercise for now. After reading some suggestions on avoiding this injury in the future, I desperately need to purchase new, proper fitting running shoes and do things to strengthen my hips and stretch my quads so they don't stay so tight in future.

    Best wishes to all of you, hope you have a GREAT weekend! :)

    ~ Chandra
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Good Monday morning all.....well my report in on this link is going to be pitiful....

    I still have yet to get into my walk/jog cycle. I am finally over my bronchitis and I keep telling myself "tomorrow" I will do it and I don't seem to be getting there. I seem to having this block against it and I am not sure how I am going to force myself past it.

    Good hopes for this week.

    Have a good week all!!!!
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    I made it to two miles:tongue: My plan was to get up to three miles in three weeks. However, I also planned to do that with little or no trauma. My experience with starting to run again has been good so far but I think three miles is beyond my capability right now. So I'm backing off my plan and staying at two miles until I feel comfortable. I couldn't have done this in my earlier days - I would have forged ahead and hurt myself. This time I'm listening to my body - Run Sane Without Pain.

    I heard and am trying two things to help my joints. Carbonation and aspartame both effect joints. So- I went cold turkey on diet coke this last week. I can't say that I've noticed a difference yet but at least I'm over the withdrawl headaches. I also found out the joint juice I was drinking has aspartame in it so when I finish my stash I'll be giving that up as well. I'll keep you posted. Run safe out there. See you next Monday - Sorry I posted late.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    This time I'm listening to my body - Run Sane Without Pain.

    I started running in March of this year for the first time ever. I used the ChiRunning program to basically learn how to run. I would highly recommend it as a injury free running program. When you read it, it makes so much sense. Just those subtle reminders on how to run injury free. Good Luck
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I started C2K earlier this year, then kind of went off on my own - made it to 1 mile before I did something to my hips that left me in yucky pain for a long time. Now I'm starting over but I'm just keeping to really short bursts of running and mostly walking. Docs and PT blamed it on a lower back injury I got a couple of years ago..who knows (big sigh).

    Anyway...I have knee pain as well (1 ACL replaced) and I tried Joint Juice but didn't like it, but then I switched to glucosame/chondroitin and that has worked *very* well for me. It took @6 weeks for it to kick in but my knees feel fantastic now. I get the big bottles at Costco.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Still doing two miles three times a week with no clock. Considered running in 5k race on 20 November but decided I'm not race ready. Actually I know I could do it but I know I'll over do it in a race. So, I'll keep at this two mile no clock pace for the month of November then see if I can speed it up or add mileage. Really want to avoid trauma.

    One week into taking GNC sport and pm joint supplements. Still no noticable affects???
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    OK folks....excuse time is done!!!!! Today I am kicking myself in the *kitten* and getting moving again which includes my C25K which I am going to have to start over since I have been off track for running for too long. I am committed and I want all of you to hold me accountable that when I get home from work today, I do nothing except change my clothes, put on those expensive running shoes I bought to keep injury free (which are collecting dust) and get out there and DO IT!!! If I don't check in tomorrow morning with an update that says I went running on Monday 11/8, I give all of you permission to flog me!!!!!!

    Have a great week all!!!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Hello all....I am pleased to report that I got out there last night after work and did my walk/jog. I couldn't go as long as I wanted to due to cold wind and it got dark too early but at least I got out there. Broke my cycle of avoiding it. Now to keep it up.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Broke my cycle of avoiding it. Now to keep it up.

    Way to go Dawn. All streaks start with one in a row. Hang in there - I'm progressing a lot slower than I expected too. Remember though the idea is to run sane without pain. Thats the goal. So go girl:tongue: