weight loss has stoped

Ok, I have been doing real good I was 358.8 back in oct 2013 and now I am 249.8 but a week ago I was 247.6 but every day the scale says I am 250.2, 248.6,248,8,249.8 I know you are not to weigh everyday but that helps me work harder. I have been eating around 1,400 calories a day, but this weekend I was on a trip and had a big luch at a buffet place fri,sat,sun but I walk 75 mins a day 5 days a week. So is it just water weight? Or am I on a platetu ?

I want to get to 225.6 pound by the end of july.



  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member

    If you're bouncing around 2 - 3 pounds, it's probably the change in food for the weekend. Restaurant food is typically high in sodium. I would give it a few days and see if things balance back out.

    Also, as you lose weight (great job, btw) you need to refigure your numbers. Be patient. Sometimes the body just needs to readjust before it can start moving again. The link above illustrates this SO WELL.