How do you do it?

My sleep schedule recently changed from waking up at 9:30 and going to bed at 2 to waking up at 7:30 and going to bed at midnight.

It is now 9:57 am and I just about texted someone and asked them if they wanted to get lunch. So to those of you who wake up in the morning, how do you do it??Do you just eat every 2 hours all day?


  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    I work from 5AM to 5PM. In the morning I will have a 3-4 cups of black coffee with a Quest bar. That holds me off until around 11AM. If it doesn't I will drink a diet soda in between. At 11 AM I grab a salad or a turkey on rye with turkey jerky and a small container of fruit. That will hold me over until I get home at 5PM where I will figure how many calories I have left and eat accordingly. If I am hungry before I go to bed at around 11:30 PM I will drink a protein shake or eat another quest bar.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    mon-Fri I am up between 6 and 6:30 I generally eat breakfast around 9:30 when I get to work then have a snack mid morning around 11:30, lunch around 1:30 an afternoon snack around 5, then dinner approximately 7pm then an evening snack around 8 or 9. I tend to sleep late on weekends so it's the same schedule, just shifted an hour or two.
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    So I do just need to eat more often. Do you get less hungry in the evenings?
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    On my fast days I eat once a day, evening dinner, and on the up days I eat breakfast and dinner, and maybe a snack in between.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I don't do the 'mini meals' thing. I wake up at 6, eat breakfast at 7:15, lunch around 11:30-12, and dinner around 6. I don't usually snack but if I do have something else to fulfill my calorie goal, it's at 7 or 8.

    ETA: I go to bed at 10 on nights that I have to work the next day. Weekends everything is pushed forward 1-2 hours.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I get up to run or workout at 4:30 AM and am ready for bed at 9:30. Love that schedule and do try to eat every two hours. Snack on fruit cheese and tree nuts. Insomnia, snoring and extra weight is gone.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I do pretty much eat every few hours. I usually get up around 8ish... eat breakfast... by 11 I'm ready for my morning snack. I eat my lunch around 12:30-1pm... another snack around 3pm... then when I get home (before my workout) I'll have a snack... then dinner. On lifting days I'll have a lighter snack before workout because I'll have a protein shake after workout. I usually don't eat after dinner.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I get up at 6 and generally keep myself busy until at least 8am before eating breakfast. I'm not hungry again until dinner after 12. I have a snack (bag of crisps) at about 2pm and then eat tea at about 6. This is my main meal of the day, with chocolate for pudding and then I close my Food Diary and don't eat again.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am up at 6am go to bed at 10pm...

    I eat 3 meals a day and maybe a snack in the afternoon...

    How do I do it? fill up on I had 1egg, 2 egg whites, 50grams of cooked ground sausage, 20g of cheese all wrapped in tortillas..I ate that at is now 11:44 and just starting to get hungry...

    So I will go home and eat chicken, avocados, cheese etc..
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i tend to not eat until around 930, and im up at 6 everyday. i find it much easier to hold off on food in the morning then later in the day, and when i do eat breakfast its usually just a banana or some other kind of fruit. just gotta find what works for you
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    I'm up by 4:30 every morning. I get up, do chores, have a cup of coffee (with creamer) and head in to work. Once I get to work, I MIGHT have a snack if I'm hungry - sometimes its chips, sometimes it's a granola bar, sometimes its another cup of coffee. I usually eat lunch around 11 or 11:30, and then dinner at 5 or 6. I am too busy at home and at work to worry about eating. Weekends are a different story, though. I tend to snack all day when I'm not working. :) Someone suggested protein - totally a good idea. LOVE hard boiled eggs. :)
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I'm up from about 5:30 a.m. to 10, 10:30 p.m. I drink coffee around 7, eat some yogurt or something light around 9, lunch around 11:30, snack around 2, teeny snack when I get home around 5:30 (like an orange or a 50-cal string cheese), dinner around 7. Dunzo. I drink a ton of water throughout the day too, that helps.

    Good luck!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I wake up at 6:30am on weekdays and between 8:00-9:30am on weekends (unless we have something planned). I seldom eat breakfast, I eat lunch around noon and then dinner sometime between 7:00--9:00pm. I go to bed at roughly 10:00pm (unless we are out for some reason which is seldom).
  • shabone
    shabone Posts: 18
    I wake up at 6:00am every morning. I eat breakfast around 7:30 and lunch around 12:30-1:00pm. I try to eat something that makes me fill full but that is low in calories for breakfast (ex. oatmeal, cottage cheese and fruit, eggs and grits...) plus I drink plenty of water to help me not fill hungry. After a while your body gets used to the routine and you are able to go for longer periods without snacking. Hope this helps a little
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I wake up between 5:45 and 6:25 am. I eat breakfast (fruit) when I get in to the office at 7:30-8 am. I also drink 2 cups of coffee, which really helps me with my appetite. I sometimes have more fruit around 9 am. I eat lunch at 11 am sharp.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I eat every 2.5-3 hours most days. Weekdays I'm up 6am - around 10pm, so meals/snacks are 6:45, 9:30, noon, 2:45. If I'm going to the gym I eat something small around 5 then have dinner around 7:30. If I'm going straight home I'll eat dinner around 6:00 then I usually end up snacking later :grumble:
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    I caved and just started eating my lunch at 10am :P

    This morning I packed the following for my lunch, not knowing I would be hungry 2 hours later:

    1 serving of bran buds (I like munching on them while working) --- Eaten at 9:58
    41g blackberries --- Munching on these now (at 11:24)
    2 hardboiled eggs --- to be eaten with friends a 12:30/1-ish
    1 Greek yogurt
    1 serving of Kashi go lean "crisp" ---- These last two to be saved for an afternoon snack.

    I think if rather than "eating my lunch" I just eat constantly through out the day I'll be ok.

    Waking up early is weird :P
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    I just don't define it as breakfast and lunch. I wake up at 5 am for work in the mornings, and generally eat breakfast before work (sometimes I pack it with me instead, but that's rare). Most of the time, I can get by with a small snack around 10 and lunch around 12. This works for me but it took some getting used to.
  • xero2099
    xero2099 Posts: 49 Member
    I get up around 645 I have a greek yogurt and then I am off to the gym and then work after the gym on my way to work after the gym I grab a coffee and this is usually around 930 we try to have lunch around 1230 or 1. I usually have dinner when i get home around 630 or 645 then I have a protein shake before going to bed at 11. on the weekends i am up around 830 or 9 and sometimes wont do a breakfast just lunch and dinner
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    That's what 'elevenses' was for - nice cup of tea and a healthy nibble - although actually most tea breaks in the UK were around 10 - 10.30 and not 11 :smile: