Belly Fat..I know I know..



  • gert1985
    gert1985 Posts: 53 Member
    I get a lot of headaches and most are triggered by food. I recently went gluten free and lost inches off my stomach
    right away. Don't know if this would be the case for everyone.
    I don't drink soda, beer, wine, mostly water. I stay away from most processed food.
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    I am eating at my IIFYM if not just a little less...I think my issue is wine...I love wine.

    I lift about 5-6 days a week. I try to add a little cardio in. I can be patient if I am doing everything but the wine right!

    ^^^This is me exactly :) I hit my protein and I'm good, but man, don't take my wine away! I've got the same attitude, it's okay if I lose slow if I can drink my wine! If you're on facebook, there's a group called IIFYM Women that is really awesome. They can help with anything, and have some REALLY knowledgeable people. My thought in asking about that is that sometimes it's the macro ratio's that can make a big difference in the belly :) Good luck!

    Oh thanks I will look for it. I drink pretty much ONLY water and wine. I make sure I save calories for wine when I am going to drink some too =)

    I try to eat as healthy as I can being a working mom. Some times I have to eat processed. I try to make sure it is healthy, low calorie but I have to.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    You have 13lbs left to go according to your ticker - be patient, fat often seems to come off last from where you want it to come off first.

    Google what a pound of fat looks like and you might appreciate the difference a loss of 13lbs can do.

    boom this guy - you are losing it other places first -- i have the same issue seems to be second to last to go -- legs are waaay last :)

    i found a lot of overhead lifting helped me in that area as well. but you need to just be patient
  • Mom_of_X
    Mom_of_X Posts: 85 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen.

    Trite, but true. Sugar is the number two contributor for women holding on to belly fat - number one is genetics.

    Cut back on the sugar (IN ALL FORMS) and watch what happens.

    Good luck!
  • MaxGain
    MaxGain Posts: 5 Member
    haha " I drink pretty much ONLY water and wine. I make sure I save calories for wine"
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen.

    Trite, but true. Sugar is the number two contributor for women holding on to belly fat - number one is genetics.

    Cut back on the sugar (IN ALL FORMS) and watch what happens.

    Good luck!

    Can someone elaborate on this? I should no longer eat fruits now either?
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    Cut back or Eliminate Sugar? Kinda impossible when its in EVERYTHING...
  • Mom_of_X
    Mom_of_X Posts: 85 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen.

    Trite, but true. Sugar is the number two contributor for women holding on to belly fat - number one is genetics.

    Cut back on the sugar (IN ALL FORMS) and watch what happens.

    Good luck!

    Can someone elaborate on this? I should no longer eat fruits now either?

    Cut back does not mean eliminate - track your sugar intake, it may surprise you. The FDA recommendation is 50g per day (or somesuch) - there are 9g of sugar in a small orange, to give you some perspective.

    Also, sugar is not in EVERYTHING, but it is in many things. Just another reason to be cognizant of what you put in your mouth.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    does that go for good sugar? (Found in veggies, fruits, yogurt) or just Added/Refined sugar?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Alcohol inhibits fat burning till it's out of the body. Truth. Never drink alcohol before bed either since rest is when the most fat is burned.
    Looking at your pics, I'm estimating that your BF% is above 20%. You'll probably need it there or less to see some ab fat reduction.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    So does even ingesting a tiny bit of sugar each day get automatically stored as fat??
  • Mom_of_X
    Mom_of_X Posts: 85 Member
    So does even ingesting a tiny bit of sugar each day get automatically stored as fat??

    Um.... no. The body can process about 5-6 grams of sugar at a time - anything over that is available to be burned (via exercise) for a short period of time, before being stored away as glycogen, or as fat if your glycogen levels are optimal.
  • Mom_of_X
    Mom_of_X Posts: 85 Member
    does that go for good sugar? (Found in veggies, fruits, yogurt) or just Added/Refined sugar?

    it doesn't matter what form the sugar comes in - your body can't tell the difference. it is simply down to quantity.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    So does even ingesting a tiny bit of sugar each day get automatically stored as fat??

    Um.... no. The body can process about 5-6 grams of sugar at a time - anything over that is available to be burned (via exercise) for a short period of time, before being stored away as glycogen, or as fat if your glycogen levels are optimal.

    What? No. Only thing that gets stored as fat are foods eaten in a surplus. If you want a good laugh, look through my food diary. I eat copious amounts of sugar from all sources and have never had issues. I eat a balanced diet but don't exclude anything and I don't track my sugar but I can promise you it's close to 100g+

    Weightlifting, good amount of protein, calorie deficit, and patience. Stomach fat is often the last place people lose from.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen.

    Trite, but true. Sugar is the number two contributor for women holding on to belly fat - number one is genetics.

    Cut back on the sugar (IN ALL FORMS) and watch what happens.

    Good luck!

    lol no.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I found my measurements from last year the other week and measured my stomach. I was totally shocked when I realized I have lost SIX inches off it in the last year!! At this point in time I'm almost convinced that the last bit that's still there will never leave me. I have been doing some research into doing strength training with hand weights to see if that might help in getting the last stubborn portion flat. In the meantime, there are ways to hide what isn't fully flat and make it look flat!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen.

    Trite, but true. Sugar is the number two contributor for women holding on to belly fat - number one is genetics.

    Cut back on the sugar (IN ALL FORMS) and watch what happens.

    Good luck!

    Can someone elaborate on this? I should no longer eat fruits now either?

    Don't worry about sugar. As long as you're in a calorie deficit, you will lose the fat.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    I'am 4"11, 130 lbs (was 156). I carry ALL of my weight in my stomach and i look like i could literally be 4lbs preggo.
    I also have hypothyroid, so ive cut out gluten and have for the past week. Daily calorie intake is 1500 (but pretty much
    only get to around 1,300 a day since cutting out gluten/bread. I eat lean meats, yogurt, nuts, gluten free oats,
    salads/leafy greens, egg whites and thats pretty much it, as im a very picky eater and alot of things contain gluten.
    I get to gym atleast 5 days a week, i know a good bit about Cardio but nothing about heavy lifting, and i was hoping
    to get this heavy lifting/strength training information down, so I can starting see some results by June (bikini season)
    When i say results, i dont mean Abs, I mean where I can walk around and NOT look preggo...
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    and I brought up Sugar, because i keep hearing that is what stores Belly fat...