First day- need to lose over 100 pounds



  • OhioTallGuy
    OhioTallGuy Posts: 82
    You are not alone there, I think most of us have asked the same question. Me more than once! You can do this! take it one day at a time.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    How on earth did I become more than 100 pounds overweight? Uggghh! It's a horrible feeling but I'm trying to get on the right path to a healthier life. I'm feeling overwhelmed though and am open to any and all advice.
    On a second and more shallow note, I am going on vacation with some friends that haven't seen me in years in October, and I'd like to look better than them. Just kidding! I'd like to look better than I do now.

    Why? Because life.

    I have two pieces of advice:
    1) Cut yourself some slack. Not just with the weight gain, but with your weight loss as well. It didn't happen overnight and it won't change overnight. It's also not a linear process. Some weeks will be better than others, but it's the long-term results that you need to remember. I thought I'd never get past the first 30 pounds, but here I am almost 100 pounds later.

    2) Don't make food your enemy. You're in this to be healthier, and that includes mental health. This isn't about good vs bad food, it's about portions and balance. I still eat cake, fried foods and candy, just not as much as I used to. I also don't feel guilty about it when I do. This is for life, not a quick fix, and I think some people forget that when they change their lifestyle.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Great responses from the community so far. The only thing I'd like to add is please consider taking your time with your weight results and focus on fitness for life vs short term weight loss; I highly recommend a weight loss goal of .5 lbs per week because it will be easy to follow and help you re-educate yourself without starvation, and I recommend going no higher than 2 lbs per week as you risk serious health problems.

    Understand that the 100 lbs didn't come out of nowhere, it grew from consuming more calories than you burn on a regular basis. Just by recording everything (even on the bad days when you go over) you'll start growing better eating habits and sure enough you'll lose weight. I noticed that since I started weight watchers (great program but I transitioned here after) I'm down 20 lbs over the last 2 years and I'm not steadily gaining weight like i was before I start recording my meals. Foods I thought were healthy before were really sabotaging me and I kicked sugared sodas as soon as I realized how much empty calories they were packing.

    Ultimately a good diet shouldn't' really feel like that much of a diet. With regular proper exercise (no pain no gain is a false myth) and better eating habits you'll lose weight at a surprisingly easy rate.
  • trueboo
    trueboo Posts: 20 Member
    I've been over 100lbs overweight, and I've had surgery, which I teamed with doing MFP type site before I was on here, and honestly, the surgery does speed it up a bit at first, but at the end of the day, it's counting that gets you and keeps you to your goals. I went through a very stressful time, I quit counting, and then I started to gain. I've gained 40lbs back, and now I am returning to what works. What works is counting everything. That's what unifies us here on this site. in the last couple years, I tried to do this by "eating better" and not counting. It didn't work. I recently took my daughter and some friends to the beach. I had with me a 10 year old boy, with type 1 diabetes, on an insulin pump, who also has celiac disease and can't eat anything with gluten. He was counting his carbs, watching his intake of food and avoiding anything with wheat/gluten. Taking insulin as needed. By the way, he also doesn't have a mom, she died of cancer rather suddenly, 3 years ago. This child was the conviction I needed to realize, if he can count everything, if he can be compliant with the structure he needs to stay as healthy as possible, then so can I. I just haven't been. It's that simple. The next day, I had a chat with God and got back on track. I've been counting and compliant ever since. (3 weeks now) I've lost 11 lbs. :) I too have an upcoming event I want to look good for.. my oldest is getting married this August. I don't want to tell people I haven't seen "Hey, I was pretty skinny there for awhile, sorry you missed it!" So lets do this. There is no substitute for just do it! I tell my kids that's my motto now. They say it's Nike's motto.. but we have to make it ours too! Just do it! Count. Weigh. Be compliant. And move. that's it! It will work! If little Nik could do it, so can we. :) Anyone who want's to friend me, my diary is open. It's not always healthy choices, but I am staying in my numbers. And I'm losing weight. :)
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Really inspirational Trueboo, thanks for sharing that +++++
  • juanacc55
    juanacc55 Posts: 1 Member
    awesome advice! I'm going to print it out and post to keep me focused. Thanks! :smile:
  • Tla0126
    Tla0126 Posts: 207 Member
    My advice is to start and don't quit; persevere through rough times. If you have a horrible day, just start again.

    Good luck!
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Great news for you, losing just 7% of your current weight will reduce your chances of getting diabetes by 54%. There really is such a thing as healthy obese. Once you start losing weight, your mind and body will help you continue your weight loss. Eat whole foods and walk 30 minutes a day. Eliminate all sugar for 2 weeks. Start with small goals. Make eliminating sugar your first goal. Then the next two weeks losing weight by consistently being under your calorie goals. Then set other goals with specific two week dates and weights.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome to day 1 of the rest of your life!!! It doesn't matter anymore how you got here, other than remembering the lesson.
    Now its time to find the New You and New Habits. Eating better, and exercising. Stick to it and I bet you feel better than you have in a long time come October
  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome ! You have taken the first step. Continue to log everything you eat and drink water and even more water. You can do this! Take small steps and you will succeed!!
  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome on board sweety. Firstly, I also had over 100lb to lose when i started last June 2013, to date i have lost 55kg/121lbs (25kg prior to finding MFP in October).
    You can do this, dont think of the big number, i work on small goals, and i log absolutely everything that passes my lips, good or not so good lol. Also walking has been my best friend, i plug in my earphones and off i go. Start of small and start to build your strength and stamina whilst burning those calories,* the good news is the bigger you are the more cals your body needs to burn to do any activity. Make the most of your initial first stage where you often drop pounds quite quickly.
    Last but not least, Believe in yourself!, Love yourself and remember that you are worth it.

    Good luck in your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle.:smile:

    pls feel free to add to friends .
  • kismet2014
    kismet2014 Posts: 2
    Thank you all so much! I can't believe how supportive everybody is. I'm excited!
  • krisg71
    krisg71 Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome! This is my 3rd first day and i am pretty much in the same boat as you. We can do it, one day at a time. Like others have said, my biggest mistake is giving up when I make one lousy decision. Stick with it, allow your self to be human, and be proud of yourself for making yourself a priority!
  • Nerdybookworm1990
    Nerdybookworm1990 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! First I would just like to say good luck working towards your goal, second I am 23 and I have 100+ pounds to lose. It can be hard sometimes looking forward and seeing how much I still have to lose, but then again when I look back at the 16 pounds I have lost. If feels great. Not to mention me starting this journey have encouraged conversations with my BF that I never thought I'd really be having, like him knowing my weight. I think that it has made me want to be even more successful. If you, or anyone else would like to add me please feel free. I post daily and have an open diary.
  • PurpleCupcakes01
    Good luck on your goals
  • ktwin1
    ktwin1 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello! First I would just like to say good luck working towards your goal, second I am 23 and I have 100+ pounds to lose. It can be hard sometimes looking forward and seeing how much I still have to lose, but then again when I look back at the 16 pounds I have lost. If feels great. Not to mention me starting this journey have encouraged conversations with my BF that I never thought I'd really be having, like him knowing my weight. I think that it has made me want to be even more successful. If you, or anyone else would like to add me please feel free. I post daily and have an open diary.

    Hi, my name is Kelly. Looks like yours is too :-)
    How are you doing? It sounds like you have an awesome support system which will make things so much easier on you when it comes to meeting and reaching your goals. What made you want to lose weight?
  • BookMaven79
    BookMaven79 Posts: 41
    Greetings! I have 100 pounds to lose too-- my first goal is to get to 170; at that weight I looked and felt pretty good, and I was able to exercise without my knees hurting. I've been overweight nearly my entire life. I kept making excuses for myself that I had too much to lose and it would take too long and I wouldn't be able to do it.... and that mindset only meant I maintained or gained more weight. Had I put forth more effort ten years ago all those days I thought would take forever would have been days I could have been living a better life and I didn't do it.

    You have to want this for you. And if you want it, you can do it. I wish you all the best!