new time

Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
so I have a four month old and had lost all the pregnancy weight, with breastfeeding and being off of work. I was able to eat whatever I wanted (in whatever quantities) and still loose weight without exercise. I came back to work and immediately gained almost 8 lbs in a month since I've stopped breastfeeding and since there is always some time of food/sweets at work I can see why. I had tried to workout before coming back to work just because I missed the feeling-

anyways long story short I work full time and am away from my daughter about 9-10 hours a day.. last week I tried going to the gym after work and I couldn't focus, not only could I not focus I just couldn't get into a good rhythm and felt so much eagerness to get back to my little one.. by the time I get home from work (without going to the gym) I am only able to spend about 4 hours with her before she goes down to sleep, I tried working out after shes gone to sleep that way Im not missing out on anything but I get home with so much energy It takes me long to fall asleep ... . I feel like my time with her is so limited and valuable that I don't want to miss out even more by going to the gym.... so WHEN DO I FIT IN A WORKOUT????

I tried going jogging with her and she slowed me down, I cant really work out at home since we live in a small apartment..... I really don't know what to do :(


  • stefabee
    stefabee Posts: 6
    I have an 18 month old and a 2 month old, and I've just been watching my calories and going on walks with them. 4 month olds still nap quite often, can you fit in at least 25-30 minutes of a small workout?
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Can you wake up before she does in the am?

    What about one of the walking/jobbing strollers?

    My dad used to hike with me in a backpack and when I was a bit older had me on a bike in a special seat.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I work out on my lunch break.... in 14 minutes I am going to go for a run, then rinse in the shower, and then eat my lunch at my desk while I work this afternoon. It is really the only time I can squeeze it in = since I am NOT a morning person.

    4 hours in the evening is nice!! By the time I get home at 6pm, I only have until 7 to spend with my 11 month old and only until 7:30 to spend with my 5 year old. Not enough hours in the day...
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    Ive been going on 40 mins walks during my lunch hour but its not enough... I need the strength training and intensity... the walking helps get my HR up but I know in the long run it will not get me far
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    I work out on my lunch break.... in 14 minutes I am going to go for a run, then rinse in the shower, and then eat my lunch at my desk while I work this afternoon. It is really the only time I can squeeze it in = since I am NOT a morning person.

    4 hours in the evening is nice!! By the time I get home at 6pm, I only have until 7 to spend with my 11 month old and only until 7:30 to spend with my 5 year old. Not enough hours in the day...

    I fight to keep her up just to spend time with her (sometimes she does good).. plus it give the sitter some down time in the AM since my little one is a handful she does nap a lot but mostly at the sitters..
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    Can you wake up before she does in the am?

    What about one of the walking/jobbing strollers?

    My dad used to hike with me in a backpack and when I was a bit older had me on a bike in a special seat.

    Im on my own in the morning- dad leaves at 5:30... I cant make it to they gym and I have considered going at 5AM but we live in a "questionable" neighborhood... :(
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Jog with the baby in the stroller. So what if it slows you down. Get better, and you'll get faster.

    Do bodyweight exercises with the baby. That got me somewhere, and it's progressive overload since the baby gets a little heavier over time! I put my baby in the front pouch and did squats with her strapped to me. I went up and down stairs with her strapped to me. I got down on my back and benchpressed her. Overhead presses? Lift the baby up over your head. The best part is that the baby loves it.

    You really are blessed to have 4 hours in the evening with your baby. You just have to get clever and use the time to your advantage.
  • nroth57
    nroth57 Posts: 21
    There are tons of strength exercises online that require very little equipment, if any at all - using your own body weight. If you can get in a brisk walk at lunch like you are already doing and maybe just 20 minutes of strength while watching TV after the baby goes down for the night a few nights a week, would that help?
  • livinatthegym
    livinatthegym Posts: 81 Member
    try TRX. It takes up next to no space at home. They provide a fun workout that is both challenging and completely tailored to your needs all by switching your body position while you use them. A simple google search and you will find numerous demos of exercises and vid of how to do them. People are constantly finding new exercises to do with these things. You can superset or cycle for a good calorie burn while you tone and strengthen. Almost any exercise you do with these things will involve your core as well. I use them in addition to cardio and after weight training to really put a hurt on your muscles.
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    Jog with the baby in the stroller. So what if it slows you down. Get better, and you'll get faster.

    Do bodyweight exercises with the baby. That got me somewhere, and it's progressive overload since the baby gets a little heavier over time! I put my baby in the front pouch and did squats with her strapped to me. I went up and down stairs with her strapped to me. I got down on my back and benchpressed her. Overhead presses? Lift the baby up over your head. The best part is that the baby loves it.

    You really are blessed to have 4 hours in the evening with your baby. You just have to get clever and use the time to your advantage.

    ive tried this with baby.. she didn't react well but I may try it again now that she's older and holding her neck better... the stairs is a good idea with the baby carrier.. I was always worried it would be too harsh movements but i'll give it another shot.... SOMETHING has to work...
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    how much does your baby weigh? why dont you use her as your weight for strength training? You can shoulder press her, bench press her, put her on your shulders and squat, dead lift her, anything really.. if you are creative. Lots of moms do this. she'd have a blast , make it fun . Have her sit on your back while you do pushups, etc.
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    Pretty much what has already been said, if you're eating the same as you did when you were BF it may be worth remembering that BF used energy, make playtime with your little one also your workout time, picking up and down crawling around whatever gets you moving it all helps :flowerforyou:
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I second the TRX. I also have some resistance bands that I use for the P90X workouts. It's not the same as free weights, but it can still be a great workout.

    As for cardio, the only other idea I have is a bike trainer. Mine have all been pretty loud though, so I am not sure how that would work with a baby. I use a wind trainer that works with my actual bike, but I think they have some other kinds that are more quiet.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I'm afraid I'm not much help. But, I wanted to let you know that I sympathize.

    I have an almost 6 year old and a 2 year old. I would never work out because I work full time and it seemed like the only time I COULD workout what when it was kid time. It's hard to not feel guilty as a new mom (or even as a seasoned mom) to give up time with your kids. But, it will come. Granted it took me this long to finally not feel guilt leaving my kids with my husband to go take care of myself.

    Unfortunately I did nothing from my oldest daughter's birth until recently. When I decided my kids would be OK if I was gone for an hour in the evenings to workout.

    If you really don't want to take time away from your baby, it looks like you have to pick the best of the worst. Go at lunch time at work, or after she goes to bed. Those really are your only options. Pick the time that is most appealing and find a workout that you feel you can stick with. Try take up running? I like the previous poster's suggestion of jogging stroller WITH her. In the evenings maybe?

    I bought a kettle bell and have recently started doing weight exercises with that. It might not burn a lot of calories, but it's good strength training.

    I hope you find what works for you :)
  • amandamae61288
    amandamae61288 Posts: 39 Member
    I have an almost 5 year old and work full time and have the same issues about losing time with him.
    You are going to have make the time. It isn't going to be fun or easy and it is going to suck, but either get up early and squeeze in a few minutes or stay up late and do it while she is asleep.

    This is what I suggest for you:

    Take three nights during the week for strength focused workouts. These can be done easily at home in a small space with dumbbells or do a video. I am a Jillian Michaels fan girl, so I say try out her videos. I can do Yoga Meltdown, Ripped in 30, Shred it With Weights. or Power Sculpt (Biggest Loser Video) in a space not much bigger than a yoga mat. Most of these are about 30 minutes, the Biggest Loser video you can customize to anywhere from 20-50 minutes. Or, find some simple exercises you can do sans video with dumbbells- I do rows, overhead presses, curls, squats, even dumbbell variations of deadlifts (obviously not as effective as traditional). All you need is about 20-30 minutes to start out.

    Then, do cardio on the weekends when you have more time. Jogging with her slows you down? Good! That means it's a harder workout. Jog at whatever speed and whatever distance you can until you get stronger and better, and soon she wont slow you down- and you will have been getting in great workouts.

    It isn't going to be easy and it probably wont be fun at first, and as cliche as it sounds, you have to MAKE the time if you want results. If you cant get to sleep afterwards at night, try 20-30 minutes in the mornings instead- or try tough out trying to sleep when it is hard? I know that sleep is hard to come by when you have an infant, so maybe focus on eating well, getting as much sleep as you can and going on walks/jog with her when you can, and as she gets older and sleep is more reliable fit in strength when you can.
  • livinatthegym
    livinatthegym Posts: 81 Member
    @rbiss I'm glad to see someone else who uses the TRX.... I've always been a weight room kinda person. My wife got me to try these things and they gave me such a good to mention the the muscle soreness the following day!!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    check out "Body By You" which doesn't require a gym or special equipment. Check out 7 miinute workout. Check out videos/you tube videos on working out with baby (usually pilates, yoga type stuff) It doesn't have to take a lot of space. Just move the coffee table and go. Grin.

    Also, I don't know how long ago you weaned, but if it wasn't that long ago, you have the option to just nurse morning and night (before you leave and when you get home/before bed.) Your body will adapt. Just a thought if it was really recent.

    Good luck! and most of all CONGRATULATIONS on your little one!
  • mandaror
    mandaror Posts: 10 Member
    I skip. Its a great workout. As a mom too, I don't have much time... I just use what I can around me. Running the stairs, jogging in place, skipping in my living room, even doing leg lifts while I watch TV!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    You don't *need* exercise to lose weight. You can get your calories in check and lose weight.

    Life is about setting priorities. I totally understanding working full time and then feeling guilty and/or just plain ol' wanting to get home to your baby. I have a 3 yr old and a 9 month old. Sometimes I choose not to work out because I feel like I need to be with them.

    IF you want to make working out a priority, find the time. has good workouts that are free and you can search for workouts where you don't need equipment. And I've done 3 different ones so far and I didn't need a whole lot of room.

    Good luck!
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I've started following some videos from whilst I'm unable to get to the gym or pool. There are a couple of videos aimed at new Mums on there and they're free.

    Sorry - didn't see the comment above. I really like the ones I have done so far.