Dukan Dieters

Hi! I'm currently on the Dukan Diet and am in the Cruise phase. I'm looking for ways to stay motivated through the monotony. So far, I'm pleased with the results I've seen...as carbs are my biggest weakness. I'm in the middle of week four so far. Any help/tips/motivation is greatly appreciated!


  • kea8888
    kea8888 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there,

    I also just started Dukan in May 2014. I'm very familiar with low carb diets, but this is the first time I've ever tried lower carb and low-fat. I've often used low carb strategies to maintain my weight without having to track points. I'm on day 13 now and have lost 11 pounds. I don't have any carb cravings. I know that this part of the diet is temporary and I will eventually be having those celebration meals (Oct 4, 2014). I'm looking for another Dukan friend to compare notes/tips too!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Any help/tips/motivation is greatly appreciated!

    Tip: Drop Dukan! It's just another unsustainable fad that restricts food groups in phases. Eating foods for a certain amount of time and then eating different foods doesn't train your body to do anything. Not to mention restrictive diets often fall short when it comes to nutrient profiles. In the case of Dukan, fibre and potassium fall short. Source: http://health.usnews.com/best-diet/dukan-diet
  • kea8888
    kea8888 Posts: 11 Member
    I love low carb dieting! It's very natural for me. Protein and veggies are my favorite, along with natural low carb fruit like berries. I have oodles of recipes from over the years. I have not had a problem with the lack of fiber either. I add a Lactobacillus acidophilus tablet (Pearls) and a tablespoon of organic psyllium husk powder to my daily diet. Plus all the water keeps everything moving too.

    This diet is actually very similar to the medically prescribed protein sparing diet that my mom has been on from years through the Cleveland Clinic. Tracking my all natural, organic, whole foods diet is not sustainable for me and it only made me fat, extremely bloated (I look 8 months pregnant at night!), and foggy headed:(

    My goal is to ultimately unite my organic, all natural diet in a low carb, low fat way. Should be fun!!!
  • lrpeach
    lrpeach Posts: 6 Member
    I started the Dukan Diet 12 days ago because 1) my weight was not moving and 2) I need a break from relentless calorie counting! After having my true weight calculated on the website, I found out that I only need to lose 10 pounds. After 2 days of pure protein "attack" and 10 days on "cruise" I have lost 3 pounds (I weigh myself every morning). I have been good so far and I have not cheated. I have this much time invested in the diet that I don't want to screw anything up! Giving up my evening wine has been a tremendous struggle. Carbs too, but after a couple of days I didn't have intense carb cravings. I am eating more vegetables now than before starting the diet. Knowing that I will one day enjoy wine again and have "celebration meals" is enough to keep me going. I haven't had a problem with a lack of fiber-I'm getting that from the veggies and the oat bran. If you are at all concerned over claims about lower potassium then take a multivitamin. Good luck to all who try this diet. I have about 3 weeks left on cruise before consolodation and I'm feeling very confident and motivated!