hello (:

my name is kristina, from michigan, age 22. figured i would introduce myself and all that. i just recently started using the site over the weekend as a test run to see if i'd like it, and i do, very much. (:

i'm looking to add people with similar age and stats as myself to accompany me on my weight-loss journey. i'm currently at 270, trying to get back to 200 where i was a year ago, and then ultimately, get down to my goal of 135. however this is about more than just losing weight for me, it's about changing my lifestyle. i would like to ultimately become a very active and outgoing person, compared to my sedentary and introverted self as of now.

so, if you'd like to be friends, go ahead and add me, and i will more than likely add you back.

again, hello! it's good to be here. (: