20 Pounds in 5 Months: May - Sept



  • vastiris
    vastiris Posts: 56 Member
    Heck, I'll do it too!! It'll get me close to ultimate goal!

    Name: Millie
    Starting Weight/Date: 217 - January 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 194 - May 9, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 174 - September 9, 2014
  • laurie858
    laurie858 Posts: 91 Member

    Sasha's Friday Update:
    SW: 131 5/8/14
    CW: 130.6 5/9/14
    GW: 121 by 8/23/14

    Dagnova's Friday update:
    SW1: 234 (early 2013)
    SW2: 200 lbs (May 7 2014)
    CW: 196 lbs (May 92014)
    GW: 180 lbs

    Spike or not, great job to both of you! :) Keep up the good work!

    (I'm probably going to post an update on Monday. Hopefully that will give me a little extra incentive to make good choices this weekend.)
  • amandamaynv
    amandamaynv Posts: 39 Member
    Name: Amanda
    Starting Weight/Date: 163 (March 2014)
    LW/Date: 157 May 6, 2014
    CW/Date: 155 May 9, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 137 by September

    I had eaten quite a bit beef jerky so I'm assuming there was a lot of water retention because of the sodium. None the less I'm very happy! This is the lowest I've been since before I became pregnant with my second son (July 2012)! Only 10 more pounds until I reach my pre-pregnancy weight :)
  • Mom2jrzg
    Mom2jrzg Posts: 5 Member
    I'm totally joining you all if that's ok...my 33rd bday is Sep 6th and Id love to be 20 pounds lighter around then!!!

    Name: Sarah
    Starting Weight/Date: 189 - May 9, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 169 - September 15, 2014
  • sadiebea25
    sadiebea25 Posts: 72
    bump to join! I'll post weight tomorrow after I weigh in the morning. Sounds like a great, doable goal!
  • sadiebea25
    sadiebea25 Posts: 72
    Ok, I'm in!

    Name : Mindi
    SW 5/10 : 208
    GW 9/10: 188
    Final GW : 165

    Keep checking in everyone! :)
  • Lobrien2013
    Lobrien2013 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! I have quite a bit more than 20 lbs to lose but I'd like this to help jump start! I got married last summer and lost 25-30 before our wedding. At my heaviest I was 196 pounds. Currently I'm at 185 and on my wedding day I was around 169-170. I am not happy at my weight gain following our wedding but I am desperate to get this weight off (again :( ) and continue my weight loss. I am 5'2 and I am quite unhealthy at my weight. I need a lot of support. Please and thank you!

    Current weight 5/10: 185
    Challenge goal weight 9/10: 165
    Ultimate goal weight: 135
  • michaelar_ae
    michaelar_ae Posts: 24 Member
    This is perfect timing! My birthday is September 16 so I would love to have lost 20 lbs by then!

    Name: Michaela
    Age: 24
    Height: 5' 9"
    Starting Weight: 228 January 2013
    Current Weight: 184.5 May 10, 2014
    Goal Weight: 164 September 15, 2014
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 January 2015
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread! I'm definitely in. Let's support each other!

    Name: Crys
    Starting Weight/Date: 135 - Feb 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 128 - May 11, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 108 - Sept 11, 2014

    Feel free to add me anyone! :)
  • _101010_
    _101010_ Posts: 121
    Updating - slight scale malfunction before

    Starting Weight/Date: 144 - May 7, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 141 - May 11, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 126 - September 15, 2014
  • fatninja111
    fatninja111 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in!
    Starting Weight/Date: 242 - October 2013
    Current Weight/Date: 197 - May 11, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 177 - September 15, 2014
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    I'm SO in! New semester starts in September and it'd be amazing to wow some people (and wear cute clothes) in the new term

    Name: Rebecca
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'3"
    Current Weight: ~136 lbs May 11, 2014
    Goal Weight: 116 lbs September 11, 2014
    Ultimate Goal Weight: Between 110 lbs and 119 lbs would be amazing. I've never been that low so I won't really know until I get there.

    If anyone wants to add me, that'd be cool! Can never have too many friends. (:

    It'd be extra cool to find a "partner" who'll yell at me if I haven't updated within the week (I can "yell" at you, too). I've joined so many of these since starting MFP but always fall off the wagon. I feel like if there's some accountability and maybe more of a personal competition between partners it might be more effective (for me, and maybe for you, too!)
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Name: Stephanie
    Age: 26
    Height: 5' 4"
    Starting Weight/Date: 143 - May 4, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 141.5 - May 11, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 123 - September 15, 2014
  • fatninja111
    fatninja111 Posts: 24 Member
    Monday Weigh In:

    Starting Weight/Date: 197 - May 11, 2014 (weigh in on May 7th at Dr's office)
    Current Weight/Date: 201 - May 12, 2014

    Not supposed to be going up! :/ I know...just water retention but still.....
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    Weigh in day:

    SW: 170
    Last weigh in - 157
    Current weight: 154.8 (woohoo)
    GW - 140
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I'm in!

    Name is Darlene, mom of 3 and just (like 2 days ago) turned 40!

    SW: 191
    GW: 170

    I'm doing one of those mud runs in September and a color run in October. And I hate running...I figure if I can lose a few pounds that will help me run better and be stronger!
  • Kittysaurusrex13
    Kittysaurusrex13 Posts: 343 Member
    I need some accountability because I always sabotage myself.

    Name: Kitty
    Starting Weight/Date: 161 - May 12, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 161 - May 12, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 140/141 - September 15, 2014
  • laurie858
    laurie858 Posts: 91 Member
    Well, if you look at my numbers, it only looks like I lost a half pound. :( BUT, I feel great and I really think I'm going to see bigger results this week. I don't have a lot of after work activities planned, so that means more gym time. Today I'm doing cardio, abs, and back.

    I usually run outside, but today am going to use the equipment at the gym. My goal is 45 minutes. To keep myself from getting bored, I'm going to switch it up and do 2 or 3 things: treadmill, elliptical, bike. Just not sure exactly what.

    Name: Laurie
    Starting Weight/Date: 143 - May 6, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 142.5 - May 12, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 120/123 - September 15, 2014

    Stay Focused! And when you're tempted to be lazy or eat something bad for you, remember your personal goal and your personal reason. Stay Strong!
  • sarabeth40
    sarabeth40 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in too! I started May 5!

    BW, May 5: 182
    CW, May 12: 177
    GW: 150
  • bluebull123
    bluebull123 Posts: 27 Member
    Long busy week last week... I weigh in on Thursday (only weigh every 2 weeks) hopefully I can see at least a 1lbs loss