calling all vagabonds! and others!

Aloha! i technically signed up 2 years ago but I didn't last very long. I wanted to get in shape before I went around the world. Now, 10 countries later, I'm in China fpr the next year to save up for part 2: Europe!, and I need motivation to utilize this land of no-cheese and get the body that will allow me to tackle more on the next leg of my journey.

I'd really love to have more motivation on my journey other than "i'd really like to buy clothes while I'm here." I would like YOU to root me on while i root YOU on! I am a child of the internet, so I love internet friends. They keep me coming back and logging in.

I'll post some travel photos if you want to live vicariously though me, and I would LOVE fellow vagabonds to add me so we can offer advice to each other on how to lose weight while eating awesome foods and trying weird beers. Yes i tried snake wine lol.

I'm down to add everyone, really, but I do hope we become closer than just "words of encouragement". I really need to stick with it this time so I hope to miss you when I don't log in!