Is a bad workout really better than none at all?



  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member
    Bad days are going to happen. And that's okay. If anything, a bad workout is still a workout. It's helping to keep you in a good habit. Some days you will "feel it" some days you wont. Just keep on trucking. Don't feel bad about a crappy workout. Give yourself kudos for getting it done.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yes. I have good runs and bad runs. Runs where I stop a lot and feel tired and just not up to speed but in the end I get it done and I'm pleased. A bad run is better than sitting on the couch any day.
  • dawnmitchell6766
    dawnmitchell6766 Posts: 370 Member
    Yes, a bad workout is better than none at all. You're keeping the habit of working out current, maybe you didn't burn as many calories as you could have or lifted as much as you could, or ran as far or as fast as you could - but you stayed true to your goal and did the workout.

    Stop beating yourself up, it was better than sitting around doing nothing.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    i've been sick for 3 days so.... but i've still been working out i have'nt been able to give it my all because of lack of energy but i still did it .. it still burn calories :D
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    i read something once, about how to get out there when "you're not feeling like it." basically, just go out for 10 minutes, and warm up. if after that, you're still not feeling like working out, go home.

    another thing i read was from jim wendler, about 5/3/1. the program is built around the four main barbell lifts- squats, dead lifts,overhead press, and bench press. you do 3 warm up sets, and then 3 main sets. then you do assistance exercises as needed or desired. wendler says that it's perfectly okay to go in, warm up, do your main sets, and get going. sometimes you're having a crappy day, or you've just got a lot of things to do. but at least you did the main part of your work out.
  • Hondo_Man
    Hondo_Man Posts: 114 Member
    but whenever I ahve a workout that I just dont feel I gave it my all in I just feel bad for the rest of the day.

    Bunker, I agree fully with what's been said.

    You said you didn't feel like you gave it your all. What do you think was the cause?

    Reason I ask. Many years ago, I would experience the same thing. I followed some suggestions and today I can't recall the last time I felt that way.

    Go in focused and pumped. Mentally prepare yourself for your workout. Today you're gonna make some good gains and add plates or increase a level on the cross trainer. What ever you do for that day. Get mentally into it.

    Next, everyone's a bit different on this and it also depends on your programme, but eat. I used to not eat before, but only had a coffee. I eat carbs, fats and protein before and a coffee too, but that has changed everything for me. Maybe you too, perhaps.

    Music. Everyone's different on that one too,but it has really helped me for focus and mood. Plus I don't care for the German pop music my gym tends to play for everyone. Does nothing for me.

    Hope that helps you somehow. I also wish you success on never feeling that way again. But a workout still does the body good.
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    Agree with all that said that a bad workout is better than none. You got something out of it even though you may not appreciate/realize it. Compared to sitting on the couch though? you're a superhero.
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    Sometimes a "bad workout" that you really had to struggle through is worth more in terms of ego boost -- "I made it through that!!" than a "good workout" that you breeze through.
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    Agree with all that said that a bad workout is better than none. You got something out of it even though you may not appreciate/realize it. Compared to sitting on the couch though? you're a superhero.

    Let's not stereotype, now.

    I've never seen that dude in the gym