Hello, I'm Noah and new to all this stuff!

So, long story short, within the past year and a half or so. I got married, had a kid and became quite lazy (new marriage = movies on the couch and enjoying each others company) and with the new kid (just turned 6 months) lets say exhaustion has kicked in a bit and we've become home bodies because of the new kid.
Myself have gained roughly 30-40 pounds in that 18 month period, which i think i was 180 or so at the middle of 2012.

My company i work for had sent out an email saying they will pay for anyone to see a health coach if they want, knowing i wanted to loose weight and needed assistance, I immediately signed up! While there have been 2 good sessions, he is more of a coach and gives some sort of guidelines on what we should be doing and what we should be minimizing for foods. While it's great and I've already lost a few pounds (4-5 within the last month) i really have no idea what i'm doing... so i'm needing help! hence where this site i'm sure will come in a bit :).

Basically, he said to go near a 1700 calorie diet, minimizing fats, eat more greens, etc. go for walks on lunch and when i get home with the wife for some exercise. so i started keeping an eye on this and apparently i'm off usually by 700 or so calories (under!) so i'm usually around 1000 calories a day without even realizing it. Yikes!

So, all the help on here will help me for sure get a diet plan together and figure out what i'm needing to do.



  • gunshyangel78
    gunshyangel78 Posts: 24 Member
    Do what feels right for you. Personally I disagree with your coach, fat is not the enemy. Eating healthy fats, such as coconut, avocado, olive oils and real butter is just fine. Also increasing protein (grass fed, pasture raised is best) and including fish is a healthy approach.

    If low fat low cal works for you, great! however there is a growing number of people who follow a HFLC diet with success, its all about what type of diet works best for you. Do some research make an informed decision and stick too it.

    Best of luck!