Curious about my weight loss experience

I am new to working out as of February. I use to weigh about 130 and have so far lost about 5lbs and have lost inches as well. I am very curious to know why I haven't been loosing as much as other people seem to be? I do Zumba 2x a week, and kickboxing 2x a week, and eat around 1300 cals. Granted my diet hasn't been the best. I don't overdo it with sweets, or fatty foods. I have become more aware as to what I eat, but I am not really on a healthy diet. Do you think that is inhibiting me from getting the most out of my workout, or should I be eating more calories?


  • Holly_belle
    Holly_belle Posts: 4,042 Member
    Well for starters, you only have a small amount to lose, so the pounds will come off slower. Losing inches is sometimes better though as it means your gaining muscle. Also unless you weigh your food, you may be consuming more calories then you even realize. You can still eat the junk food, its all about being at a calorie deficit at the end of the day. Good luck in your journey :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    You only weigh 125 lbs, it's going to take you much longer to lose vanity pounds than someone who has a ton of weight to lose. The smaller you are, the less calories your body needs, so it's more difficult to create a deficit. Add some weight lifting/strength training to your workout routine, that will help you get the results you're probably looking for. (I'm assuming you want to "tone up"?)

    Plus, it's not the foods you eat, it's how much of them. How do you determine that you're eating 1300 calories a day? If you're eyeballing portions and guessing, you may be eating more than that and not realize it.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    You only weigh 125 lbs, it's going to take you much longer to lose vanity pounds than someone who has a ton of weight to lose. The smaller you are, the less calories your body needs, so it's more difficult to create a deficit. Add some weight lifting/strength training to your workout routine, that will help you get the results you're probably looking for. (I'm assuming you want to "tone up"?)

    Plus, it's not the foods you eat, it's how much of them. How do you determine that you're eating 1300 calories a day? If you're eyeballing portions and guessing, you may be eating more than that and not realize it.

    This! I'm lucky to lose 1lb a month these days. I USED to lose 5 or 6 in the same time when I started out with 80 or so lbs to lose. Excersise does not increase the rate at which you will lose weight. If anything, I found that when I don't work out it comes off faster. Of course then I am usually starving since I am very used to eating more and I hate not having those lovely excersise calories to eat back!

    Diet is for weight loss, excersise is for health and extra calories :)
  • lizmcnutt
    lizmcnutt Posts: 2
    I never actually measure out my food intake, I sort of just eye ball it. Thats probably where I am consuming more calories than I actually think I am! That actually makes a lot of sense how I am hovering around 125lbs for about a month now. I am looking to tone up more and loose inches. I suppose I always associate loosing weight with loosing lbs, but that isn't always the case. I will add some weight lifting to my workout routine, instead of solely cardio. Thanks for all your help guys!